Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Grammar Game

Hey everyone:

I wanted to tell you that I thought the game went really well and I hope you had fun. I am glad that I am able to do hands-on activities with you instead of exercises just from the book. Hopefully, this game is a good way for you to practice some of the grammar techniques we have done so far.

I hope to work out any kinks so that the game works better for next time. Any suggestions: words I should add, types of tasks you should do, or just the overall fucntionality of the game?

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I will see you Monday!

~Ms. G


Anonymous said...

Very very very very very very FUN! woohoo my team won! go lions!

Anonymous said...

n OH MY all the wayy!
oh yeah, i know a word you could add, it =]

Anonymous said...

BOO :] tigers woulda won, if we didnt do that cowboy thing >.<
hhmm a suggestion, maybe the words can come with hooks or something already attached to them, because we spent most of the time trying to clip the words onto the string :/

sarah yellamaty said...

i thought that it all went really well, and the paperclips just made it even the more funny (:

Anonymous said...

i had lots of fun. good ideas and words ms. g!!
i think that there should be a more easier way to put the words on the string because the paperclips were time consuming.

Ms. G said...

What if i whole punched them?

or....we just played on the floor?

Anonymous said...

thatd work ! :P

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms G then if we did it with letters on the floor everyone would win. I think you need to give somewhat of a challenge so there can be a winner and a loser. Loved the game and go LIONS we won.

Anonymous said...

I thought the Grammar Game was very fun[: but putting paper clips on a string was kind of difficult. Maybe instead of a string, we can use a big long piece of laminated thin paper to clip the words on =)