Thursday, December 11, 2008

BLA GSA Ally Wall

Hey everyone...

I wanted to let you know that I appreciate the time you took today to look at The Ally Wall. It is important to educate each other and to tolerate differences.

I think the wall looks great, but I would love to fill up the entire hallway! If you (or your friends have anything to add) write something and leave it in my mailbox at school. You don't have to put your name; you can sign "anonymous" instead. Or, you can email me something, but indicate if you want your name to be posted or not. Lastly, you can post here in the comments section. If you want to include your name, fine, otherwise, leave it anonymous.

Please use this space to generate positive discussion and do not write slanderous or hate speech on this portion of the blog.

If you have already written something, thank you! If you would like to contribute, then please do!
Ms. Gentile


Anonymous said...

To me... homosexuality isn't any of my business. I don't care whether you're gay or not. It's your life you can do what you want to do. Gay people are people. I dont care about their sexual orientation. Ain't none of my business. And people know damn well that they dont care if someone's gay or not. People use homophobia as an excuse to disrespect people. They use it as a way to turn their concerns away from something much more important like say... the economy, the government, world hunger,the fact that our family members are still fighting a war and dieing for half a decade. Its much easier for them to attack gay people than for them to attack the gays because it takes less work. We are all wasting our time by insulting gays. Oh and for the people that say "oh its in the bible, the bible says its wrong". who cares? im christian myself, but we all sin on a daily basis. Homosexuality is a sin.... well so is lying, coveting, and insulting. we are all flawed human beings. So who cares if someone's gay? its none of your business so leave em alone i say.

O yea btw my name is Beshaunn Jno-Baptiste. Im from section E of ms gentile's class. Im not going hide my opinions though anonymity. so if you got a joke to say about me because im not homophobic...well go ahead. have fun.

Anonymous said...

Think, what about homosexuality will kill you?
Think, how has homosexuals hurt you?
Think, why are you full of hate when they greet you?
Think, have they hurt you, have they beat you?

Rather, think about all the pain they have gone through.
The tears they shed to be accepted by you.
Think of the fear they have when they greet you.

Think, we all think alike.
Think, we all act alike.
Think, we all dream alike.
Think, we all live alike.
Think, if we are all alike, why do we suppress one another?
Don't we all come from a loving mother?

There are no straits and there are no homosexuals. There is only life in unison, if we all learn to love one another.

-Danny Pham

Ms. G said...

I am so proud to have you as studens.
