***If you were absent and did not write the BB Essay, you must see me during your study hall before the end of school on WED.
If you are absent on WED for the in-class essay, you must see me during yoru study hall by the close of school on FRIDAY.
Don't Forget to sign-up for the Holiday Party on Tuesday 12/23!!
Due: Brainstorm a list of at least 10 themes/messages in ARITS along with textual support for each theme.
· Group Work: Pick a theme from your group and put the best theme on poster.
· Present to class
Due Wednesday: In Class ESSAY: Themes in BB and ARTIS.
Due Thursday: Complete 16 flash cards for review. (eight from each novel)
Due Friday: TEST: BB AND ARITS, content, themes, characters, passage analysis, FYI, background info, etc.
In class: Complete Outline to compare/contrast BB and ARITS
Due tomorrow: Finish Outline. You will ONLY be allowed to use the following: Your themes from BB notes, and Themes in ARITS, and THIS outline. No other notes!!
Due: Outline
In Class Essay
***If you are absent, you need to SEE ME during your study hall to make it up; otherwise, you will earn a ZERO.
Due Tomorrow: Complete 16 flash cards for review. (eight from each novel)
Due: Flash Cards
Review Game (random groups of three vs. three)
Due tomorrow: STUDY FOR TEST
***Remember: if you are absent on this day, you must see me on MON or TUES during your study hall in order to make it up. If you know you are going to be absent, make arrangements to see me before today.
Due Monday:NOTEBOOKS!!!! Have your table of Contents Section completed, organized, etc. Your binder should have the designated sections and appropriate material in each section.
you forced it with the in class essays........
thats all folks!
So we have the test and binder check monday?
do we have to take the section out and put it all together like last time?!
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