What is "The American Dream"? Why do you define it as such? Does it really exist, why or why not? Is this dream different based on your gender, race, religion, economic status? Why or why not? Does this dream change over time for an individual and/or has it changed in society over time? Explain.
Remember: Post in the correct comments section, post your name and section in your response. No name = no credit still applies...
Courtney Bourque
One's thought of "The American Dream" differs from person to person. These ideas of the dream go anywhere from what a person's dream is in life to what they think is right for everyone. I believe that "The American Dream" is a place or land where people are able to achieve all there goals and also where there is only peace. I define it as such because I believe that is truly the idolization of the perfect american dream.
This dream could exist if people tried and worked as good as they could possibly be to get there. I do think it is different for everyone because everyone has different points of views for things. It has changed as a society because people choose to do the wrong things which points them in the other direction of the dream. This is my view on " The American Dream".
Leah Brodbeck
Section: B
Many people have many different views on what "The American Dream". To me, the American Dream is being able to have a family and a house to live in with enough money to be able to support yourself. I dont think money is everything but people do need money in order to survive. If people are surrounded by people who love them, then that should be enough to be happy. My view on the American dream is definately achievable no matter what race, religon or economical status you have. Obviously if you have more money, you might be able to live an easier life, but thats not always the case. It doesn't matter what race/religion you are to achieve this goal, it just matters if you are willing to succeed and if you are willing to put the work in that is necessary for you to succeed. This dream may change over time for an individual or it may not. It depends on the circumstances. Society has changed " The American Dream" because 100 years ago not everybody wished to live in a big house, maybe the dream 50 years ago was to just own a car. It all depends who you are.
I believe that the american dream is unfortunately the idea that each individual here has the same amount of a chance as the next man does. It's a dream in which the average idealists who would be chastized for what they belive in, in other places has a chance to be heard in this land. I believe that thats why they call it the dream because for most people dreams, in the literal use are usualy meaning less, which leads to my point that i belive that this so called "American dream is fake. I say it's fake because a lot of times the samll person is left out the average joe. If you leave out a few it's like leaving out many, like the saying goes,"The afflictions of 1 affect many. i belive that for each individual the dream changes i dont belive that it is so much based upon your race but i will say that it is often times apparent that it's based on gender. I belive that certain surrcumstance can lead to change in everything we do as the human race and yes over time many times as a matter of fact are views and oppinions will change. so it is no differint for some in this aspect.
The "American Dream" is to most people the white picket fence, nice house, two perfect kids, the station wagon in the drive way, a happy marriage, and a good stable job. But on the other had america is where many people go to find salvation from the hardships their experincing and the problems in their own country. America is the land of the free. Its a democracy where you can choose what you want to do and how you want to do it. You have a voice that can be heard and if your good enough with your voice you can cause change and inspire people to do what you have done.
The dream is not just given to you though, you have to earn it. With out tring and making the choice to do good and suceed it will never come true. You have to make your own "American Dream" its what you make it not what you want it to be.
kyle wood section E
The unchanging definition for the "American Dream" is an ideal society in which anyone can follow their desires, regardless of ethnicity or gender. I define it this way because the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is the principle on which the U.S.A. was created.
The "American Dream" does not quite exist yet because racism and sexism still exists today. However, with the significant progress we have been making, starting with the Civil Rights movement in the 60's and continuing with the recent election of Barack Obama as president, the dream may become a reality sooner than one might expect.
-Alex DeWolf
Section E
suzana cardoso
section E
the american dream can defined in so many ways becuase it's different for each person. for some reason,when i picture the "american dream" i find myself thinking of the time when people came from all over to start a new life in a new country. in many books America is described as a free country, where anyone can fulfill their dream.
to most poeple the american dream is being free and able to become whatever you set your mind to. for a while i would think this to, but then i realized that just becuase we are in america doesn't mean we get everything wwe ever wanted. as i mature i can clearly see that, as an American, you have to work harder than ever and earn what is rightfully your's.
I think that the "American Dream" is different for everyone. To me the "American Dream" is to be rich and famous. To a lot of people the "American Dream" is to have a pretty good life with an okay amount of money. The "American Dream" to me is to be a tv star, a famous singer, or to be rich. I like to think big so I think that the "Ameican Dream" should be something to the extremes. People can have different ideas of what they think the "American Dream" is. It depends on what you want to be when you grow up and what you want to do with your life. Some people just want to go to college and become a lawyer or a doctor and other people want to be in movies or be famous pop-singers. So the "American Dream" is different to everybody but to me it is to be a famous singer and to be on tv, like Hannah Montana or the Jonas Brothers!!!
Marisa Leard
Section B
Zorah Walker
Section: E
"The American Dream" suggests that everyone can achieve successful lives if they work hard. Although, this dream may not come true for a lot of people, because all of that certain persons hardwork might not be enough to succeed. It has many different meanings depending on who the person is. For me, "The American Dream" is to not have to deal with racism and judging, to live in a world where everyone achieves any goal they set their minds to and doesn't have to worry about what the person of higher class thinks about you.
This dream is unrealistic though, because not everyone wants to work to their full capacity, but this is my "American Dream". To other people, it might be a different story. Also, everyone will keep judging and racism will still exist for years to come, no matter how many people say they don't judge, it's a fact that they do. People in the higher class tend to think that no one else matters only them. If they dont like someone then they will just crush the one who's in the lower class, that's the way life is most of the time, and that's the way it was thousands of years ago. People judge me because of my religion, I have actually had someone come up to me and tell me that they don't like me just because of my religion. Some people put me in the category of being associated with terrorism. So from what my experiences in life have shown me, it's hard to believe that people won't judge you.
To me " The American Dream" differs from person to person, and their point of view. Someone who is very wealthy can have a different dream than someone who is living in poverty. To me the american dream is achieving your goals, succeeding in school, and livng your life the way you would want to. You would have a nice house, a great family,a good job, and no problems. A lot of people might think this would be hard, but i think it can be achieved if you work hard, if you strive, and you live your life trying to live up to your american dream. Some may also think that this american dream doesn't exist because they might not have a great life, but maybe it is because they aren't doing anything about it. I don't think it is how you are living now, but how you choose to live in the future or if you want to change your style.Your life could be your american dream, i think it differs on the person you are, and the person you want to be.
Alexia Yuen, Section E
Nancy Tran
Section E
I think that "The American Dream" is the goal each indivisual may have that involves success and wealth. Everyone has different goals, but it usually involves being successful and acquiring wealth. Although, most people may not become so wealthy, even if they try very hard. However, "The American Dream" allows people to strive and achieve their goals. I define it this way because I believe that everyone at least once in their lifetime has had the dream of becoming wealthy and successful. It does exist because living in America, there are endless of possibilities of things to do. America allows people to choose whatever they want to do in life and they will be able to achieve their goals if they really strive for success.
Sometimes people will hit obstacles in life and cause them to feel that they will not be able to achieve their goals. So, there are times where "The American Dream" will change for certain indivisuals, but whatever goals that a person may have, it will always involve success and wealth. It has changed for society over time because way back then, "The American Dream" may be different. Long ago, "The American Dream" will be different based on race, gender, religion, or economic status because during these times, people weren't always offered the opportunities that we have today. So over time, "The American Dream" may change, but i think people will always have a goal that causes them to strive for success and wealth.
"The American Dream" can be thought of in many perspectives. One may think the dream is to live life to fullest, with no regrets and no disappointments. You can take it as finding peace with ones self and learning to live a happy, healthy life. There are some who believe that it is to make money and to be prosperous in life. My opinions on "The American Dream" happen to be , live happy. I've learned through many recent and uncfortunate expeirences that nothing can be taken for granted. We must live and try and be optimistic because in my eyes, life is a short portion of what is yet to come. We need to learn to hold onto the small things that make us happy, and to let go of that which makes us upset.
"The American Dream", in my eyes does not exist. I think that it is simply something we all want to belive in but dosent really mean anything. Its something that we strive for and at times is in our reach. Other times, it is something simply outrageous that we think is worth while. When we get what we want, it can turn out to be the exact opposite of what our hearts disire.
Sarah Yellamaty Section E
Danny Pham
Section E
The American Dream, in my opinion, is this belief that America holds key to all the dreams people have, the land of milk and honey as Maya Angelou puts it. People have always saw America as the answer to their prayers, whether it be to escape persecution, poverty, or even to start a new life. In a sense, the American Dream gives hope to the hopeless, gives them something to strive for. It helped people escape their tight situations and strive for a better life in America. America is a cultural mixing pot, and although we are native to racism, there is a more diverse community, all striving for success. So in short, the American Dream differs greatly from person to person, but in the end it is based on the mutual hardships people face, and how America comes to symbolize their dreams, independence and relief from hardship.
I think the American dream is what each American wants their lives to be like. I defined it like that because this "dream" can change through the generations and with different kinds of people. It is mostly a fantasy people have of their perfect world. Perfection can very rarely be attained. This dream depends on a persons upbringing, social status and their personality. Dreams change over time because everything changes over time like technology, money and what different people want in their lives.
Society always has a different view of certain things and that can make something really good one decade and it could be bad the next decade. This "dream" also changes individually because people's economic standing changes which has them want more than they have at that time.
Katy Carchedi
Section B
The American Dream in my opinion is for all americans no matter what race, religon you are to have a nice life in the contry. All americans should have freedom and be safe in america. The american dream can also be a belive or an idea. This idea can be freedom for all, peace within neighbors and good safe community. The American Dream can oly be accomplished if everyone in America works at it the way everyone wants it. My idea for this dream is for freedom for all, a safe place to live and to respect all neighbors and to keep peace. This dream can differ from people of different cultures. One day I hope every wants america to be the way everyone agrees on.
The american dream definently differs from person to person. For some people its having a good life while others is just to enjoy freedom. This is affected by race because some dreams are to be treated equal like martin luther kings.
These dreams can never be met because of racism, sexism and all the other ways people discriminate in america. Someone will alwys do something just to break your dream. So i think no one has achieved their dream because they will probaly fall short. Society wont let it happen.
kristian kirleis sec E
Section E
I think the "American Dream" is being able to live free of persecution for race, religion or gender. People are excluded from public events or private events due to their race, religion or gender. There will always be a person who feels that a certain race, religion or gender should not be around, and will not treat them humanly. During the founding years of America, slave labor was used, and religions were not accepted in certain places.
Now there is religious freedom and technically there is racial freedom. There are laws against racism, but these are overlooked, and not even given a second thought. On some occasions somebody is accused of racism and put to trial for it, but all they need to say is that they were instigating their right for freedom of speech. Even now, extremist groups like the Ku Klux Klan are APPROVED by the government, and are even supplied with public protection. The racial diversity law is vetoed by the freedom of speech law, and until this loophole is fixed, the "American Dream" will not be true.
I think that "The American Dream" can be defined in many ways depending on the person. What I think "The American Dream" is having the best life style you can possibly have, having everything you would want, and living the ideal life. I defined it as this because I think that it means having the life everyone in the world hopes to have and having the most perfect life.
In my perspective, I don't think that this dream does or ever will exist, becuase I do not think anyone in this world lives an ideal life, even if they might be the richest person in the world. I think that "The American Dream" is just something people wish for and imagine for, even though it does not exist and I'm happy the way I'm living now. I think that this dream is based on what your economic status is, but again, I don't think that anyone will achieve this dream, and it is better to just imagine it than try to live it, even though you can't. I think that this dream might change over time and maybe become a little more realistic for it to really happen, but for now everyone imagines having the best life style you can possibly have and imagining it is the best way to go with it. You should be happy everyone has a home to live in and thankful for what you have.
Vanessa Bahnam; Section B
Candice Chan
Section E
When it comes to asking people about their "American Dream," I think everyone would have a different response. In my opinion, I think the "American Dream" is like the things you get after achieving a goal when you work hard for it. Of course, everyone would want it because its involves with wealth; like after you work hard you could get nice houses, new cars, a good family and a good job. It might seem like its something very good to have and it does exist, but in my opinion I don't think that its not really too necessary. You could have a family, a good house, a beautiful BMW for a car, but it won't necessary mean that you have a happy life.
I don't think your race, gender, or religion have anything to do with wanting the "American Dream." I think this because you have the right to have dreams, goals and do whatever you need to achieve them or be successful in general. Everyone can be smart and successful if they try hard, it doesn't matter what race you are. Judging people on race is just stereotyping. However, even though race doesn't matter, this dream can change over time. For example, if you work hard for so long and already achieve your "American Dream" goal; but suddenly, you start slacking off in your job, then this achieved goal of yours can suddenly become history. Which also means everything you have once work hard for is now gone. I know to achieve goals, there will be obstacles sometimes, but goals are probably the only thing in this world to keep people going and finally one day achieving their goal.
Alex Moran
Section B
The American dream is to have the ideal way of liveing and to be happy. To me it is when a person has a great family, a nice house, a good job, and plenty of money. However it does differ with the opinion of the person. I define it like this because everybodys dream is to have the perfect life. no matter who you are, i think everyone dreams of this. Also in America with our customs that is how we live (a house, family, job, car, money, etc.) and the ideal way of living, to me, is to have the best of those.
To acheive the American dream, you must excell in your schooling, job, and everything else you participate in, but it is very much possible. This dream doesnt just differ for different races or religions, it differs for everybody. i do not know if it changes over time, or even if it will ever change for me but i do know what it is now and i want to push to reach it just like every other person in this country.
In my opinion, there no such thing as dream. What you call a dream could mean a goal that someone set for themselve. Each have different opinion on what a dream is and what their dream are. Yet, American Dream, to most people, can be something that got to help better America, and the people who live in it. It could be something that American want and wish to accomplished, either for themselve or the world.
Races, religion, culture, and time does affect individual "American Dream". Like African American that live before the Civil War, they wish for freedom. Then after the Civil War, they wish for equalities. A person dream can depend on the impact around them or the world they been live in.
Trang Le
Section B
Cassandra Saunders
Section: E
I think that the "American Dream" has a different definition from others out of this country. Because America is seen as the country of freedom, were everyone has their individual say. The American Dream can also be defined as a belief in freedom for each citizen to reach their goals through hard work and determination. The American Dream can also be seen as the perfect life here in America, the money, the car, the house,and perfect the family. So this difference is based on each person, in this world. I think this dream can change over time, like your personal goal can change. I also think that this "dream" would change if people from other countries come here. Because they will see that America is not as great as how they may have pictured it to be.
The American Dream, in a general sense, is the dream that someone, usually someone of a different nationality, holds and hopes to make a reality by living in America. The American can be unfathomably different depending on the individual. For some people, the American dream is a life where they don't have to worry about being persecuted because of their religion. Some people come to America because of its academic and economic success. America is called the "Land of Opportunity".
To me, the American Dream is probably the only thing more diverse than the U.S. itself. Which the world constantly changing, millions of people immigrant to America with different hopes and dreams.
Beshaunn Jno-Baptiste Section E
Mikerlyne Castor
Section: E
White fence, big house, many cars, high income with a short shift, wife/husband, three children, and a dog is what I think of when I hear about "The American Dream".
The meaning of "The American Dream" to me is to extend higher from where you came from or to become very successful in life and live problem free. I don't believe race or gender matters in this situation, because people may come from different areas, but the goal is to be successful in life and reach the top of your goal. I don't believe it exists, but I do believe that it is a sometimes used as a figure of speech to describe the current status of somebody's life. It may also be used to set a goal to somebody to work their way forward. That's my opinion on "The American Dream".
Dheandra Jack
Section B
When I think American dream I see a family with a mother, father two children:a boy and a girl. I see a house in the suburbs with a perfectly mowed lawn and a two car garage. This family would be financially secure and have everything they need. I think that I have this presumption that this is the American dream because this is the life I have always wanted. I've always wanted a sibling and a really big house. I think the American dream does differ from person to person. Basically its a thought of what you think your life would be like if it were "perfect". I think people try to dream about a life where certain things are different and the American dream is just that. Its what you want your life to be like in the end. I don't think anyone can truly achieve what they view as the American dream. When you get something you've wanted for a long time you keep wanting more. The American dream can be defined as an unreachable goal that pushes you to keep working harder for what you truly want.
Patricia Lopez-Benitez
Section B
When I think of the American Dream, I think of Richie Valens who was a Mexican-American person who was really famous a long time ago and still is. I believe that he lived the American Dream because his goal was to be famous with his music around everywhere. His dream was to be able to make people love his music even though it wasn't a typical music that people back then would dance to. He is a legend to hispanic culture because he reached his goal. At no point did he give up. He reached high and high until he risked his like and going on a plane which was one of his worst fears, but he did anyway. After his death, he was so respected. People of all races cried out for him and in my opinion, the true definition of the American Dream is being able to achieve what you work hard for. It's being able to make a change not only within yourself, but throughout the lives of everyone else.
In addition, I believe that anyone is able to live the American Dream. Just because you aren't the same race as another person shouldn't prevent you from making changes to what you think is right. You can be a really smart person with amazing goals and if you put your mind upon achieving your goals, then you WILL be able to make a change. In conclusion, The American Dream is basically being able to live up to a dream that you think will be able to make a change in the lives of others.
Stephanie Thermora
I think everyone's has different views of "The American Dream". Some people see "The American Dream" as being full of wealth, being married, masion or great house, a dog, three cars, and 2 children,maybe a pool, and even a garden in the back of the house out in the suburbs as being the American Dream.
Some people see the American Dream as being on retirement out living in the Carribean, with kids all grown-up, with grand children,and if married enjoying their spouses presence with them. The view of one's thought on the American Dream differs.
But they do have one main comparison, which is one's thought of happiness, peace, and living the life with no troubles,and satisfaction of oneself achievement or success and hardwork.
But society shows that the American Dream consists of money and wealth, which is not enitriely true. Yes, it is a fact that people need money to survive but it does not always bring happiness in some cases and if it does it wont always last. But as stated every AMerican Dream is different from the other. One's American Dream might be for their children to go to College because they didn't have the chance to go themselves. This is my thought on the American Dream.
American Dream is defined differently by each individual. Overall the American dream is an ideal place in which they can be free and the things that they desire comes true. I define it as such because a dream is where a person can escape from things and let go. It's a place where it makes oneself feel like a whole and their life is complete because their desires are met.
I believe that the American dreams do exist. If you set your mind to it, anything can happen. Its like going through an obstacle coarse. You have to face different things to reach it. You have to fight for it, and earn it. Some American dreams doesn't come right away. Like racism, sure it is still going on, but it doesn't mean that we can't stop it. If there is one person who stands up and fight for whats right, that American dream would come true. Speaking of race, i don't think that this dream is based on race. And it isn't based on gender or economic status either. Just because you are a certain gender, race and in a certain economic status doesn't mean that they can't live to the American dream. As long as they are willing to.
I think that this dream does change over time for an individual and in a society. People and our society are advancing. years ago the goals may have been different. And i agree, the goals 50 years ago might have been creating a better transportation system. But things have changed. we already have a transportation system, so we would concentrate on a different issue. Same for individuals, their dreams can change as they grow older. And in some cases, the changes in society effects the changes in the American dream of an individual.
Quyen Nguyen
Section: B
"The American Dream" the quest for the perfect life. I believe it said in the Declaration of Independence that a man was to have life, libertey, and the pursuit of happiness. These words helped define American and this so called "American Dream." When Thomas Jefferson wrote this he looked at many works by many authors and poets but I think the best was said by Thomas Pain and a word he used, the all defining word that I am thinking of "pursuit."
The American dream is not a tangeble object it is not reachable with money or power. It is where you set your goals in life, that bar that is set by you and only you. It is reachable by the way you want to live and if you do live like that. An idea of the "American Dream" could be, and I quote Kyle, "the white picket fence, nice house, two perfect kids, the station wagon in the drive way, a happy marriage, and a good stable job." Or it could just be to own a house. Either way it is your dream and no one can change that.
Yes it can be harder to get to because of race, religion, or even where you come from. Though that does not mean that you can not reach that goal. It just means that it will be harder to get but never ever stop pushing. Look at the Cosbeys they defined the black "American Dream" for a nation.
Though out the years yes the dream has changed from land to freedom to even to have that cool mustang in your garage to take the ladies out for a spin. Nevertheless, it is what you make it and you always have to try to acheave, the pursuit.
Does the dream excist sure it does and it is one of the hardest things in life to get. When your pursuit ends give me a call I want to no how you did it cause I know I want it real bad.
Timothy Connolly
Sec E
Janise Queen
Section E
The American Dream is different for many people. I think people that are born here have a different dream than peolpe that are immigrants or that don't live in the united states. For people that are from here their american dream would be to have a good life and to be successful in life. Immigrants and people that aren't from here's american dream would be to have a better life for themselves and their family, and also to be successful in life. Both sides of the american dream are similar. Both of my grandfathers are immigrants and they both came here in hopes of making life better for themselves and their families. So i think the the American Dream does exist.
This dream has changed over time and it was different based on gender, race, and religion status. The dream of most African Americans years ago was equality and it was the same dream for all women.
The American dream may be totaly different as time goes by and society changes.
Ying Ying
Section B
There are no correct definitions for the phrase ‘American Dream’. I think the definition is depends on how a person wants to define it. When I hear people talking about ‘American Dream’, what comes to my mind if people seeking another, or a better opportunity, it also relates to how much people yearning for something, they would describe it as ‘American Dream’. I also think that the definition for ‘American Dream ‘can change over time, in different place and base on a person’s personal experience. For example, a person with a lot of money wouldn’t want to go to another place and change their life. But people that are poor will definitely wants to get a better chance and more opportunity. The poor people will define ‘American Dream’ differently than the poor people. With a very bad experience in one place, you would want to seek another chance in another place, and then you would say it is your ‘American Dream’ to go to another place. There might be thousands of opinion on ‘American Dream’, because on the person who is defining it.
I don’t think that ‘American Dream’ exists, but at the same time, I think people can make it exists. Dream is something that never exists, unless a person put efforts on it and makes it exists. For example, people wouldn’t just get a house because that is their dream or it is because that they said they are going to get one. They need to work hard in order to make their dream come true, they need to put efforts on it in order to make it happen. ‘American Dream’ is like something that gives people powers to accomplish something; it is like a goal that people work toward to. I think when a person has a goal or a dream; they would work harder than those who don’t really have a idea on what they want. People also use ‘American Dream’ to describe the hopes to seek a better life. It reminds me of the book “The Star Fisher” by Laurence Yep. It is a book about how a Chinese family comes to the American to seek a better life, to pursuit their American dream. I don’t think that ‘American Dream’ exists, it is just a way people use to describe yearning a better life, or opportunity.
I think the "American Dream" is like a peaceful place where people have the perfect life and where people can go for their dream and be happy. "The American Dream" could exist, but it's more likely not to because life isn't like a fairytale. This dream does change according to what a person is because we all have different opinions about things, and it also depends on how we treat each other,for example, if a person was racist it could change this dream. I think as a society this dream changes because the things people do affects the world, which can affect this dream.
Malinda Som
Section E
"The American Dream" is when a man graduates from collage works for a living and then retires. That dream isn't directed towards everyone because not everyone comes from a place where they can live the "American Dream". Even though man y people pursue that dream I find it unnecessary because why would there be a dream for one nation to follow when there a country full of opportunities. One dream only leads to one end, but when many dreams come together many possibilities formulate.
"The American Dream" from my perspective is set for one gender and one race. White men in my lifetime are the only that were suppose to or able to make that dream come true. From where I come from "The American Dream" is to surpass the next man in line, which makes more sense because my dream doesn't stop at one point and if others follow it, then the world will never stop
Tyrone Williams
Section E
All- Bertrand Pierre
Section E
I would define "The American Dream" as what a person believes is the reason for living in the U.S.A. I define it that way because everyone sees it differently, just like what Courtney said. I believe its does exist because i see "The American Dream" as being able to live in the U.S. as a citizen with a family and a good job. I think it is different based on race, gender, religion, and econo mic staus because everyone thinks of it differrently. A person whose parents weren't able to live in the U.S. might describe the American Dream as just being able to be a citizen and or vote. A person who came from a country that didn't accept their religion will describe the American Dream as being able to display their religion without fear or being procecuted. People who were poor in their country might come to the U.S. to get a fresh, new start on life. When I think about it, i believe that being able to vote, show my religion, and make as much money as I want is what I belive the American Dream is.
Raymón Pullum
Section E
The “American Dream” can be defined in so many ways. However, in the way I think of it is as “the life” which includes money, power, respect, and fame. In my way of thinking of the American Dream, I think of it as top-notch hierarchy, where nothing can touch you and you are loved by everyone. No, it does not exist because with someone who is loved by the world you are always going to have someone be envious of you or have a “hater” as some say. The American Dream will be different depending on race, economic status, and your gender but not so much on your religion. Such as if, your African-American most people would not think of you as much and would have more envy towards you. Your economic status plays a big toll on your life because people would easily have a better chance than you would in life. If you are a female than most men would not support or care towards the female that has it all in life. However, your religion does not really take a big toll because now religion does not really differ people in most communities as of race does. This dream has not changed over time but just has been in multiple people’s lives. There is no way this dream can change with it still being called the “American Dream”.
Xiuyi Chen
Section E
Since everyone knows that history had create race, religious, for a long time, so people who live in a poor country will "dream" to go to a country with better opportunity in order to change their lives. My family has no excrption that we also want a better live by immigrating to America, we all know that it is not easy to achive our "American Dreams"-earn more money, get more rights, of course, I know one of my parents' purpose to go the America is they hope I can have a good future. For the immigrants, to achieve their goals or get what they want is much more difficult than the natives. We have to face so many problems and sometimes I really feel tired and afraid that whether I have the strength to go through all those obstacles. But when I go back home home everyday and realize the oldness of my parents, I feel sinful and full of shames... All my parents' hopes are on me!! I can give up myself that easy, I have to keep go on, no matter how big the obstacle is! I know that everyone has goals and they always stop on the road to the success, because the rocks of obstacle are always there and they think that they can never jump through that rock. However, remember to trust yourself, the destination is always there and it is waiting for your arrival.
Jiamin Huang
Section B
The "American Dream" is the dream of a land that's full of opportunities, a richer and fuller for everyone as long as they work hard to pursue their goals. The reason I defined this way is because that's the purpose why my family and I had come here. We have heard that many opportunities are given in the U.S. and so we wanted to be part of it. When I was in China, my aunts and uncles, who lives in the U.S., often tell my parents that it's difficult to live in the U.S. if you don't work hard.(not necessarily working hard for jobs,but more like in life) They said that the states are places where a person who comes from the poorest family, lowest class can have a better future. But the only thing is that they must work hard and everything will be just okay at the end. Since opportunities are given and people falls behind once they don't try to keep up with the society. Personally, I do believed that the "American Dream" exists. Since coming to America, my family and I had experience and taking many chances in many thing that we would have never had if we are in China. For example, I would definitely not learn any other languages beside Chinese in school. And America also given me a chance to feel diversity. Moreover, if I'm still China, high school education will perhaps be my education. It isn't that they don't have colleges or university there, but its just that my family will not be able to support me attending. But in the U.S., we can have loans, funds, scholarships and etc. when it comes to attending college. Therefore, the "American Dream" does exist for me and my family.
I don't think that gender has anything to do with the "American Dream". But to me, race plays a big role. I believed that your race, includes the place you come from and the color of your skin, defines how you perceive the "American Dream." For example,because I am from a small town in China and their technology wasn't as advance as the ones in the states couple years back. So when I first came here, I see everything and believing that it was made of magic. It was just too beautiful. I ,personally, have see many opportunities and taken them in the past years. In addition, because of who I am I believed that I value these opportunities and chances more heavier comparing to oneself who was born here.I am not sure whether if religion can blend in with this topic,because I am not religious at all,so no opinion will be given on that. However, I believed that economic status has a huge role in seeing the "American Dream." If a person with a lower social standing, obviously they want to seek for ways to improve where they belong. And so holding on to this dream is like a motivation for them.
I believed that the "American Dream" does change for someone as time progresses. However,the base meaning of it will not. What I meant is that people will still have holding on to the "seeking opportunities" part,but their desire for things will increase base on where they belong now. For example, when I first I arrived here, I tried on everything and takes joy in anything that I come in contact with. And at that time, I thought I had seen the best of everything and wants to just stick with them.However, my visions grew and prior knowledge are added, so my desire to have a better future for my family and I grew as well.But I still believing that the states is the land full of opportunities.(but maybe less than couples years back,since everything is going downhill here). I believed that the "American Dream" had gotten a different meaning for the society these days. People are thinking that they can just become anything without taken tiny steps to these achievements.People tend to want to get everything without having to work for them.And the ways of seeking of opportunities to big achievements are changing as well...
Section: B
The “American Dream” to me is having life being as close to perfect as possible. Having to deal with no worries and you can just live your life without anything getting in your way. It most likely doesn’t exist because people nowadays worry about the littlest things possible. People want the most things in life and that may lead them into trouble and that can bring on stress in their lives. This dream can have anything to do with your lifestyle no matter what gender, race, religion, or economic status that you belong in. I say this because people are always asking for a better life. People usually find some way to make their lives better but it may not always be what they are looking for.
This dream may change overtime because people may base it on their life but need to accomplish something else before making that dream true. For example if someone has to change their lifestyle by starting a new career, simply because they need to do something that would work out for them. Families especially are aiming for big dreams so that they are able to live as comfortably as they could. Instead of complaining or blaming someone else for what you think should be changed, you should change it yourself so you could see what was wrong and how it was fixed on your own.
There is no real definition for the American Dream; it depends on the individual. The general idea of the American Dream is that is it a goal or a dream for new immigrants who plan to find a better life in America. Things immigrants consider America to have may be one or more of the following: freedom, riches, good source of food, better economy. I believe that the American Dream only exists to a selected few. Most of the time, if you work hard, you'll get it. This dream is different based on your economic status, I believe, because if you're in the upper class, your dream has already been fulfilled, unless if you don't appreciate what you have and keep wanting more.
In my opinion, I think this dream does occasionally change throughout time in society, but not for individuals. This is because a lot of people still wants to immigrate to America, to leave the dreadful life of theirs and start a brand new life in America, hoping to have that "dream."
Woops. I forgot to put my Section. . .
Rita Wong_Section E
To me the American Dream is being able to be succeessful in life.I mean everybody strives to be better and achieve more in life.We go to school,get jobs,talk to elders to help you out.We do all of this so that eventually when we grow up and are of age.We can be sucessful.So to me and mostly i think to everybody is just to be successful in life.To have money to support yourself,to help your parents,to just achieve your dreams and hole your own goals in life.
so that is my American Dream to just better myself and to make my parents proud.People come to America to be free and to better their lives or the lives of their children.The land of freedom and opportunity.So all in all i think everybody without knowing it is trying to be successful for one reason or another.
Nicauris Santana Section B
josette kimbrough
Section: B
The definition of an ideal american dream could go on forever. But to me, i think that the american dream is the hope that one day there will be peace. And as us all as Americans continue to hope, things in our country have only gotten worse, with few improvements. This country has given so many foreign people oppurtunities. The American Dream is said to be ideal, but how? As long as there is good there is going to be bad. You have to LIVE the American Dream, because no one can do it for you. It exist in every person but in a different way.
In Black Boy, you would not think that Richard was living the American dream. But some of the white people probably think there life is perfect. Richard had to work and make a change to achieve the things he wanted. Any one's opinion of the American dream would change because as you mature, things become more sensible to a person. The decisions you have to make in order to feel that your happy. The American Dream, what is it? we may never know, because no one can dictate one Amerucan Dream and expect the country to idolize it.
I think that the American dream isn't being rich but rather being successful. I define it as such because you can achieve this through hard work and doing things rather then becoming "rich" whether you inherited it or got the lottery. I think this dream is based not on any of your traits but how hard you work. Being successful could be anything you want it to be, for example, a guitarist could define success as having fun and playing in a show with over 100 people. Mabye a doctor's version of success would be making peoples lives better because of his actions. I think that this dream can go on forever, lets say a musician gets his "success" on his first show, but now he defines success as the second show or a certain amount of fans. Either way he's gotten farther in his success and it will go on as long as he wants it to. I think that in society has a whole people define success as becoming famous or rich, and overall this hasn't really changed. But to each individual person I don't think it changes, I think each person has their own version of success and it's their choice if it changes or not.
Connor Pope
Tonecia J.
section : B
maaaaad late. I don't come on the computer that much and I was probably absent that day. But i think the american dream is freedom and happiness. The reason why I think it is that and not something more specific is because the american dream can be interpreted diffrently but can all fall under freedom and happiness.
For some people the american dream is a nice house with a white picket fence. A nice american barbecue with apple pie and hot dogs lol . For other people it can be just luxury and lavish living. To me its simple freedom and happiness. I don't need to be rich but having lavish things and a white picket fence wouldn't be bad.
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