Monday, November 10, 2008

Journal: Winning the Lottery

For this journal, respond honestly and insightfully to the following statements. Be specific with your ideas and opinions. Must be at least 2 paragraphs.

What would you do if you won the lottery? How would you choose to spend your money. Be specific in your allotment. Where would you go, what would you do, who would you share it with, how much would you save? Why? Ultimately, how would this financial change affect you, your family and your life both positively and negatively?

Remember: post your name and section. Due by the start of class on WEDNESDAY. I am excited to read your ideas!


Anonymous said...

If I won the lottery, it would have positive and negative effects on my life. It would be a good thing because me family and I could pay off any debts or money that was owed. We could pay for our college tuition and we could buy some things that are not necessay but are very fun. If I won the lottery I would make sure that everything is paid off before I buy something nice.I would also make sure that everyone in my family gets a little money to spend for themselves. Lastly I would donate a portion of my winnings to an animal shelter because i love animals and want to help them.
It would have a negative effect because it is possible that people might get greedy. Greed can completely destroy a family and I really would hate that. Also if I won theres a possibility that I might blow it all off on something that I really dont need. I would want to do something that is truelly meaningful with my money if i win.
Leah Brodbeck Section B

Anonymous said...

If I won the lottery it would be an amazing thing for my family and I. They are two ways i could spend it. My first way is to use it to pay for college. I have been stresed about the scholoship and the amount of money I m getting in the fund isn t enough. This can be used as a cusion for me. The negative thing is that this money could be used for something else and that if it mine someone else may suffer if i keep it. The other thing I would do with it is to put it in a saving account. With these tough economic times we need to save every penny. I could also donate it to cancer research. Iys sad to see someone die or suffer from it when you can't help but this way i can. This is what i would do if I won the lottery.

Anonymous said...

If I won the lottery, things would be different. all my family's bills and needs would be paid and fulfilled. I would pay for mine and my sister's collage, my parents bills and other things. I would save and budget every thing. Invest the money wisely and spend accordingly. I would get another house, a better car and other things life would be easy. though we would still work because that money won't last forever. It would be great if I won the lottery.

John Hutchinski
section B

Anonymous said...

If I won the lottery it would be awesome! I would use the money to meet Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers, which would be so cool. I would also use the money to take my whole family on a vacation to somewhere fun like Disney World! My life would probably change if I won the lottery. I would also want to put some of it in the bank for college and then donate some of it to charity because it's really important to give to people who need the money. I think winning the lottery would have mostly a positive effect on my life. My life would change in a good way!

Marisa Leard
section B

Anonymous said...

Section E
If I won the lottery, it would be a good & bad thing. The good thing is that with the money, I can use it for everything I possibly need. It can definitely help my family and I because we can use some of this money to pay off debts and money that we owed. I think I would get that over with first & see how much I have left at the end. With the left overs, I would split it into 3 piles so one for my mom, my dad and me because they raised me so thats like a little thank you to them.
With my pile I would probably do three things. The first thing I would do is probably donate like 45% of what I have to charity because people there probably need that money to survive from hunger or sickness. Then I would save half of what I have for future problems like university; which is something that I definitely want to go to when I finish high school because education is very important to me. Whenever I get bad grades, I get really upset so I know that I have to do better next time in order to achieve my goal of going to a good university. With the rest of the money, I would probably spend it on shopping because its like a little way of me rewarding myself. Sometimes I go shopping to reward myself if I pass or got a good grade on a test so I can tell myself to keep up with the good work. I think basically winning the lottery is not a bad thing but sometimes when people find out, they might try to get close to you and steal the money; because they want it. This is a very negative thing and hopefully if one day I do win the lottery (probably never going to happen), people won't do that to me because I really want to use the money for important things and give some to people that really need it.

Anonymous said...

If I won the lottery, I would probably scream for joy and be the happiest person alive. The way I would spend this is probably leave three-quarters of it for me and my family and the rest to a really good charity. What I would do with my share is probably save it for college and get something that I really need. I wouldn't spend it so much at the mall or something, but again just save it. I would also give the other part to different people in my family that really need it. The charity I would probably give this to is the Jimmy Fund to help people in need so they could have a good life and survive.
The way this would financially change my life positively is that I would probably be all set for collegeand me and my family would have enough to survive for the rest of our lives. I would also be good for clothes that I would need and things that are necessary for life. The way this could be negative is that I might sometimes want to spend it a little more than I should and I might just keep it to myself but I'm going to try not to do that. So if I win the lottery, I hope that everyone is happy and use the money as they should.

Vanessa Bahnam; Section:B

Anonymous said...

Section E
If I won the lottery I would be so happy I couldn't even speak. But since my family doesn't have much money now, I would give the majority towards the new house my parents want to buy. But i would keep at least 5000 for myself, which may seem like a lot but with the lottery that is close to nothing. I would use my money to buy the things I've always wanted. I would buy the paintball gear of my dreams, and then still have some left over for money to walk around or bank, that way I won't have to bother my parents for money. The negatives would be that I would get too caught up in the moment, and not give any money to anybody. If not, I could become very arrogant with the things I purchased, or the fact that I won the lottery. But the pros seem to outweigh the cons by a lot. But there are still cons and that is something that can turn your life upside down.

Anonymous said...

I don't really like the lottery because it seems like a rip off to me. If I actually won the lottery though, that would be a different story. I think it would be something very positive for my family. My mother can finally pay all of her bills and my sister can finally finish college. We can move out of our small apartment and buy a nice house. My mom can pay for our citizenship, and my grand parents can finally get a greencard so they can leave Dominica and live with us here in Boston. I can use whatever money left to invest in my musical dream of building a recording studio and resurrect my record label. I can pay for tuition to Berkeley College of music. Of course, money does not last forever. I have seen people who win the lottery. They spend all the money foolishly and end up just like they were before, sometimes they end up worse than they were before. I must spend the lottery money wisely and always save a large portion of it in the bank. The only negativity I think it would have on my family and I is its longevity. It might not last long and should therefore be use diligently.

Beshaunn Jno-Baptiste
Section E

kyle said...

If I won the lottery alot of things would change in my life. As any kid would say i would first pay off my family's debts and make sure most of them were taken care of. I would pay my mother's mortage and pay off her car and buy her a new one. Also i would help her finsh renovating our house. Most people would say that they would buy a new house but I would never want to leave my house I would just want to make it better. After all that was taken care of i would take care of my college fees an put some money into an account for college. I would put most of the money left over into a savings account so i would be set for after college and retirement. I would spend some of the money on myself buy unnessicary things just to have them.

The effects winning the lottery would have on me would be that i would be care free and not have to worry about finances and being taken care of. It would be a humgeous weight lifted off my back. But if that weight was lifted then i would be afraid that i would get to careless and just blow everything off. I would forget the true meaning of living and the fun, joy, sandness, love, excitingness, surpirising, and unexpected twists in the road that come with living your life.
kyle woood section E

Anonymous said...

If I won the lottery then I would first see how much it acutally was and what they would take away in taxes. Then I would probobly save most of it for college and some stuff for me in the future like a car or something like that. If I was to go anywhere I would go to Austria in the winter with my family. I would go there because my mom has always wanted to go and I think that it would be fun to ski there. I really would not share it with anyone because now in this killer economy it would probly get worse and you would need any money you can get( probobly exchange money to Sterling or Euros, larger value than the dollor). I would share some with my family but that is about it. Finacially we would probly be set and all the problems would go awy, finacially of course money does not solveevrything btu it would help. This would affect my life very positve because life would change with a lot of money comes a lot of stuff( to get). And for the negative affects you never know untill they happen. And those are my reasons why, what, and how winning the lottery would affect my life.

Sec E
Timothy Connolly

Anonymous said...

Sorry I forgot to check my spelling. Sorry.

Sec E
Timothy Connolly

Zolotros said...

If I won the lottery, it could only have a positive effect on me. I would spend the winnings on a new house, car, computer, etc. and leave a sizable amount aside for college tuition (which I hopefully will not need because I am aiming for a scholarship), and give a lot to my immediate family. I would then donate the rest to the Peace Corps, Amnesty International, ASPCA, and UNICEF, because these are charitable organizations that make the world a better place. To that end, I cannot see why winning the lottery would have any negative effect, granted the money is used in the right fashion. However, if I decided to invest only in myself, I would likely earn the contempt of my peers for having such greed. In that situation, if I ever lost my money, nobody would be compelled to help me get it back, much less be around me.
-Alex DeWolf
Section E

Anonymous said...

If I won the lottery I would be extremely happy. I can only think of positive things that would come from winning the lottery. I would save half of the money and put it away, and then i would divide the other half of the money for myself and my family. If I won a lot of money I would buy my grandmother a house and make sure my family was taken care of and had every thing they needed. I would help my family pay off any debts they owed.
I probably take most of my family on a very nice vacation. This financial change would ultimately affect my life in a positive way. I would have lots of money in the bank in case of anything bad happened and i would know that my family was happy and living well.

Anonymous said...

I agree with both Leah and Soroche.
If I won the lottery, I'd also make sure that I pay off any debts that are owed before planning anything. After everything is good and payed off, I'd go shopping!!! :D
I would also take my family on a vacation so that we could all just relax and have some fun. I feel bad for those who don't have enough of what they need,and when I get older I have a goal of helping them, so I'd donate some money to charities or shelter homes. Lastly, I would put some money in a bank account because as Soroche mentioned, times are getting hard and so is paying collage tuition. That way, I could have most of the money ready and just work for the rest of it.

Liz Martinez
Section B

sarah yellamaty said...

If I won the lottery, i believe that with a good thing comes a bad thing. I would pay off my family debts and help my dad finish renovating our house. It is under construction currently and its taking a while becuase prices on everything have gone up. I think i would invest a large portion of it and save for college, a car, and maybe a house in the future. I would donate a lot of it to different organizations that help stop poverty in Africa or to Support our Troops.

Now, I think winning the lottery could also become a very bad thing. When we get large amounts of money, like endless amounts, we dont know what to do with it. It makes us all feel powerful, and bring on a very snobbish side of people. I think that with winning the lottery, you would need to have your ideas for spending it well thought out. I don't think that its good to just hold onto it and spend it on everything we migh think we want or need at tthe time becuase in reality, that money can be very useful in the future .

Sarah Yellamaty
Sec E

Unknown said...

If I won the lottery, I dont think it would have any serious negative affects on me. If I won the lottery I would help my family and give money especially to my mom because she deserves it for all the things she's done for me and my family. It would be the best thing that could happen to our family because we would be able to get new appliances and supplies that we need. Both of my parents could even get a new car.
If I won the lottery I don't think I would go crazy with it because, I'm a person who likes to save money and if something won't benefit me in anyway I wont buy it. I would take some of the money to put in the bank one for emergency money and one for savings.
I won't lie I would go on a massive shopping spree, but at the end of the day money the money isn't always going to be there. At the end of the day money can't give me joy and everything and everyone that I need. But it is a way to make life better if the money is used wisely.
I would also donate money to the many organizations in Haiti, where my family's from. I would also donate some money for a cure for diabetes.
With the rest of the money I would use it in other ways to make a better life for my family.

Anonymous said...

If I won the lottery there were many positive and negative effects on my life and my family. The effect money would have on my life is so extreme that I would rather give it all away than receive it. My plans for the money no matter the amount I would be to invest it in my career. I want to start a major corporation built off 5 minor corporations. Without any money the dream would be hard to acquire. I wouldn't be able to touch the money anyway because my father mostly use the money to do what he wants and I can’t do anything about that because he's legally old enough to claim the money and I'm not.

Anonymous said...

If I won the lottery there were many positive and negative effects on my life and my family. The effect money would have on my life is so extreme that I would rather give it all away than receive it. My plans for the money no matter the amount I would be to invest it in my career. I want to start a major corporation built off 5 minor corporations. Without any money the dream would be hard to acquire. I wouldn't be able to touch the money anyway because my father mostly use the money to do what he wants and I can’t do anything about that because he's legally old enough to claim the money and I'm not.

Anonymous said...

If I won the lottery there were many positive and negative effects on my life and my family. The effect money would have on my life is so extreme that I would rather give it all away than receive it. My plans for the money no matter the amount I would be to invest it in my career. I want to start a major corporation built off 5 minor corporations. Without any money the dream would be hard to acquire. I wouldn't be able to touch the money anyway because my father mostly use the money to do what he wants and I can’t do anything about that because he's legally old enough to claim the money and I'm not.So that leaves me in a position to deal with whatever the outcome of the situation is.
Section E
Tyrone Williams

Anonymous said...

If i won the loterry, i would safe portion of it for my brother and myself college tuition. We could pay off debt, bills, and run our families business. The greatest thing about winning lottery would be; lessing the burding our parent have to bear everyday and improve our families lifestyles. I also send part of it back to my grnadparent in vietnam since vietnam is part of world poorest nation. I also donate part of the money to charity that help people around the world. The negative side would be; we might attract some unwanted attetion and bring out the very bad side of a person. Like Leah say, greed is an issue and it can change a whole person completely.

Trang Le
Section B

Anonymous said...

If I won the lottery I would go on my dream vacation, put alot of money towards college, some money would go to charity and the rest would go in a bank and I would use the interest for college and other things me and my family. I would go o a vacation with my family and a friend because I love to travel. Colleges are getting more and more expensive so if I put money towards it I can have a little more in my account. The charity that I would give money to would most likely be an environmental one. Interest can really add up over time and can be useful. At first I wouldn't believe that I won and I would worry how other people would act towards me.People would give me attention for the wrong reasons. Money is a powerful thing, it holds both good power and bad power.

Katy Carchedi
Section B

90'sjunkie said...

suzana cardoso
section E
if i were to win the lottery there are many things i would like to do. even through some might think that this is the greatest thing that ever happened,there are a lot of negative outcomes. well, first i would make sure my mother was happy and had everything she wanted. then i would fix up my granmopther's farm house in cape verde so she could be "home" without any worries. then i would repay all my aunts, uncles,my dad,and my siblings for everything they have done for me. i don't even care if they were negative things they've done because all that has made me a better person. then with what ever money i have left i would spend only half, putting the other half in the bank or investing in gold. now you may be woundering what could possibly go wrong well, pepole could start being nice to me because they like the things i have or even to try and get money. i could also get so caught up in all the money i forget about all the great things had before i was rich, like my friends. so, even though my family could really use the money i wouldn't want to risk losing very thing i have now.

Anonymous said...

if i won the lottery it would really help my family. It will help my mom pay any debt. But i would also give it to my family in Vietnam. There are people who need it more than i do. I would probably give a portion of it for donation, such as the children's hospital and the animal shelter. There are people who needs it more. And buying expensive things for yourself may make oneself happy. But it makes you feel guilty seeing people on the streets who don't have a home and people who have a hard time feeding their family. And knowing that you were able to help them but you spend it all for yourself will give you guilt. Just helping others makes you feel great and happy.
Furthermore, i would save some money for my college tuition. The rest i would keep. But i wont spend it in a day or the whole thing on clothing or electronics. I think it would be more responsible to save it. It might be for other emergencies. Spending all of the money on things that aren't important is a waste. Its nothing but greed. Money is a big factor toward greed. And i agree with Leah, greed can destroy a family and I would never want that to happen.

Quyen Nguyen
section: B

Anonymous said...

If i won the mega millions it would be very awesome. It would have positive and negative affects. My family could pay off all its debts and bills. I would go to college and then go to cornell for college.
I would by my parents a giant mansion in Maui.
The negative effects it would have would be. I would buy a ferrari. I would probaly be very big because i would buy a lot of food. I probaly would spend it all before i gave it to charity. It would my apart the one looking for money.
Kristian Kirleis section E

Anonymous said...

If I won the lottery I'd be ecstatic and it would definitely change my life and also my family's. The first thing I would do is pay off the bills my family has. I would also buy a house for my family so we won't be in a crowded apartment. I'd also take my family on a little vacation because we've never had one, and because we all deserve one. Next I would give some money to my older sister to help support her and her son and I would trust her to use the money wisely. I would also donate some money to charity to help feed the hunger, and some to the animal shelter. Lastly I would save the rest for school and for my future, like when I have my own family or when I get an apartment. I would definitely manage the money that I won and use it wisely because I could end up bankrupt.

Anonymous said...

Raymon Pullum
Section B
If I won, the lottery there would be many various ways and effects on my life. Life with loads of money establishes troubles but at the same time satisfactory. I would first give my mother, father money to get a bigger house and buy improved furniture, and any other things they want, after all, they brought in this world so without them this miracle would not have happened. Then I would began thinking about myself as in what do I want. I would go out shopping with a couple of friends and buy loads and loads of new clothes and electronic equipment. In addition, I would put three-fourths of the money I have left into my college tuition just in case I don’t receive a full scholarship. I would hope to try to treat everyone the same with much respect and continue to be very fashionable and casual. With the money and respect, that I receive hopefully would make a great outcome in life. That is how my money would have affected my life and had been spent, if I mysteriously won the lottery.

Alex Moran said...

Alex Moran
Section B

If i won the lotery I would not know what to do with it right away. I would be shhocked and extatic. I know that i would not blow my money, instead i would either invest it or put it in an account. however i would probably use some to buy my family all kinds of new stuff and take them on vacation. all of the money left would be either saved or invested.
i think that the financial change would make me and my family lazy because we would never have to do anything for ourselves again. After a while i think life would get boreing because u can get whatever you want when ever you want it. I also think that it would make the family grow farther from eachother because evryone would be busy and everything. on the other hand we would have everything we ever wanted or needed and would never have to stress about anything, financialy, again. so in conclusion, i dont think money can give you love or happieness, but it can cause the illusion of it. when i think about it all that people want to win the lotery for is greed, but i would wrather have things stay just the way they are because things are just fine as they are and the outcome would be more negative than positive.

Anonymous said...

Section 4

If I won the lottery It would be a good and a bad, because family and friends would pressure me to give them some. But I would get to give my mother everything she needs to show my appreciation, for the years she's taken care of me. I would then save the rest of my money for the future on and for myself.

Anonymous said...

Section E ,sorry

Anonymous said...

If i wont the lottery, i do not know what i would do. First of all i would be very shocked! I would put about half of my money in savings because i have a feeling if i kept it all, i would keep it all. i would help my parents with anything they needed, pay off debts, buy new necessities, whatever. i would also donate money to charity. i would help pay mine and my siblings college tuitions. i think these would be the positives of winning the lottery.

I also think that there are some negativs to winning the lottery. if peopl have large amounts of money they sometimes won't know what to do with it. i think if i had a lot of money i would probably spend it on some things i don't need. i also think it could make you greedy or selfish. With all this money, you could want it all too yourself or you and your family could become greedy, which could destroy the family. To conclude, i think winning the lottery could be a could thing and a bad thing, it jus depends on the descisions you make.

Alexia Yuen, Section E

Anonymous said...

Ying Ying
Section B

If I won the lottery, I would spend it on thing that I want to do. I’m really not good at managing how to use money, but I think that I would use it to do things that I want! Many people said that they would spend their money on collage tuition, because education is very important. I agree that education is very important, and I want to get into a good collage too. But if I won the lottery, I would take a break from school first, I want to travel around the world for a few years. (Maybe 2 or 3). Because life is not all about school, I want to do something else, something that I really want to do. There should be something else to make life more exciting, I don’t want to do the same thing every day, like getting up early in the morning go to school or work. I want to do something else; winning the lottery is like a chance for me to do things that I want. So I would like to do something that I want first. By traveling around the world, I can learn things that I can't learn in school; I can meet more people...

Anyway, if I won the lottery, the first thing I would do is SHOPPING. I love shopping, I love to buy new cloths, bags, shoes... if I won the lottery, the first thing I would do is to buy a lot of clothes, shoes, and bags. I would also buy some beauty stuffs. Winning the lottery can give my life a lot of excitements; however, it can also have some negative impacts in my life. for example, when I have a lot of money, I would afraid that people is going to steal it, with a lot of money, my life style could be change, like I would live in different place, use different stuff..... The way that I value things and see other people could be change, it can also affect my personality. For example, if a person has a lot of money, they might categorize others into different groups, rich and poor people. So, I think that winning the lottery can have both positive and negative effects on a person's life.

Anonymous said...

Patricia I. Lopez
Section B

If I were to win the lottery, the first thing I would do is leave some aside for my college tuition because I hope to get into one of the best colleges there are, like Harvard. I really want to be able to get into this college or any other good one, but to get this far I would need money and I can't always depend on my parents to give me the money. After leaving aside the money for college, I would definitely go shopping. I go shopping almost every weekend and I feel bad for my parents because they spoil me and get me whatever I want and I want to be able to help them out some way or another. In addition, with the money left over, I would send it to my family in El Salvador. I feel like they are needing the money way more than me because the gas prices are higher down there than they are here and it really sucks because they get paid less there. So, I would send it to my aunt who lives there and I would ask her to use the money for any emergencies there are. Lastly, I'm the type of person that likes to help others out and those that don't have money to get what they need make me feel really bad so I would definitely donate money to charity homes and churches.

Anonymous said...

If I won the lottery,there will be many things I can do for myself,my family and others.First of all, I shall save a sufficient amount of money for my college tuition.So in case if I don't get any scholarship, either my parents nor I have to worry about furthering my education. Then, I will buy a house for my parents,my sister and I to live. And because my sister is disable and I always worry that she will not be able to support herself in the future, I will start a type of fund for her.So in case if both my parents and I died, she will have some sort of support. Next, I will help some of my needy families in China.Such as helping them to buy apartments in the city so that they can improve their condition of living or to pay some of my nephews or nieces' college tuition and etc. Then, portion of the money will be given to my parents to use,to keep,or whatever.For me, I would take about five thousand to ten thousand dollars from the lottery to shop and eat. I personally don't think I need a lot of money for any reason. I mean I got a place to live,clothes to wear, food to eat and school to attend.And I believed in the saying "how could you miss anything you never had?" So,I tend to set myself apart from those crazily expensive things or hard-to-get things.'Cause I know once I touched, I know that I will want it more the second time. Finally, the rest of the money will be given to feed the hungers, organization that supports education for families that can't support their kids for schooling, and to researches that relates to cancer.Feeding the hungers is something that needed to be recognize for its importance. A lot of people are dying somewhere on Earth without food everyday. And education is something very important too because books open doors to everything.A person who isn't educated well is worse than someone who is financially broke. Educated people can also help to strengthen our society.Moreover, some of the ones I loved had battled cancer,so I think donating money to research that topic is like a little contribution to them. By this time, I believed that all the money will be gone.=]But I still will be glad that I actually helped someone(s). Because that feeling feels amazing Oh yea, the negative effects of winning a lottery will be me getting lazy and fantasized by the money for awhile thinking that I don't have to work in the future.But I am sure my parents will wake me up from that dream and tell me that it's good to get things that we want by our hands instead of by our luck. Another bad thing will be people trying to get close to me and wanting to claim a portion of the money. People are greedy.It's the truth and that's understandable. But there are certain acceptance towards people's greed that oneself can take.Anyways,so hopefully I will win the lottery in the near future and do all the things that I just wrote. And praying that no bad things will happen...

Jiamin Huang
Section B

Anonymous said...

Section B

If I won the lottery it would completely change my life. There would be a lot of people asking me for money and a lot of decisions I would have to make on what to do with my money.It would be then that I would find out who are truely my friends and who are there just for the money. I would probably give the majority of the money to my parents because I know how grateful they would be. Throughout my life they have supported me financially, mentally, physically and other ways too. I know I would donate some to charities also. I have a soft heart when it comes to charities and giving back to the less fortunate.I think that if I won a lot of money its only sense to give back to people who don't have a lot. With the last portion of my money I would buy things for myself. I think that its right to give back and not keep all the money for yourself, but on the other hand you should do something for yourself. I would buy new clothes, and adopt a dog knowing that I could use some of my money to spoil my new furry friend.This is what I would do if I won the lottery.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Section: B
If I won the lottery it would be a miracle. I would find another house for my family to live in, as quickly as I can. I would not spend all the money at one time because then there would be things I bought only because I had the money but not because I needed it. Another vacation to Barbados for my mom, sisters, and mothers would not be a bad idea. Paying off any debts my mother may have will be paid so she will not have anything to stress about. That’s the positive part of winning the lottery. The negative would only occur if someone gets greedy but things like that would be managed. When I watch television on Sundays, there are all of these children in Africa without a family and need something. Since I noticed that, I would give money to the people that help them, and they could provide anything necessary.

I would save a fourth of it in case of an emergency and money is needed. Spending money on pointless things would not get you anywhere. Financially my family would most likely be doing better. My life would change because I may be able to pay for college without a problem. Just because I have this money it does not mean my family has to quit their jobs because that is an example of greed. Adding on to what is saved would be very helpful because in the future you may want to do a lot of different things involving money and that money would be there for them.

Anonymous said...

If I won the lottery, i think mostly it would be a good thing because my family could buy whatever they needed. We could pay things off, and not have to worry about things that most people worry about finacially. I would use it wisely though because if they use it for whenever, that's when the negativeness of having a lot of money comes. People become selfish, snobby, and act like they own everything. Then when you run out, you don't have anything and it would basically just make you feel stupid for acting that way. It would have a negative effect of my family becaue i would probably take it for granted; for example, i would buy whatever I wanted like if i went to the mall and not think about it before doing it. So i wouldn't want to just spend it on things that would be pointless. If I won th lottery I would try to be as wise as i could with my money, but I know I would make some stupid choices.

sydney conway, section E

All-Bertrand Pierre said...

Section E

If I won the lottery, it would have a lot of positive and negative effects on my life. Winning the lottery will have a positive effect on me because it can help pay off the bills, we can buy everything we needed, and we could get a new home. We would also have enough money to put away for me to go to college. I would also buy myself the best trumpet out there. Many negative things can happen if a won the lottery. If I won the lottery, I would most likely waste a lot of it on things that I really don't need. I would buy everything from ipods to plasma tv's. If I won the lottery I don't think it would change my personality. I don't think I would change. The only thing that would change would be that i would spoil myself a lot. When I would feel sad I would buy something I wanted. Everytime I would see a pair of kicks that i wanted, i would buy it. So, if I won the lottery I wouldn't change, but I would spoil myself a lot.

Anonymous said...

Section E

If I won the lottery, I would probably save most of it, since the US is sort of in an econimic breakdown now. Some of the money would probably go to my parent's concert business, since we have been in the red lately. I would spend part of my money to buy a keyboard, and donate the rest of the money to my family in vietnam. This financial change wouldnt benifit me as much, since most of the money would help my family in vietnam who just lost my uncle recently, the matriarch of the family. The positives of winning the lottery would be to help out my family in vietnam, and the negatives would probably (well possibly) make me greedy and go on a spending spree.

Anonymous said...

Ra'Jene Martin
Section E

If I won the lottery I would buy all the Spongebob items in the world. I would also buy clothing and jewelry. I would share my money with my mom because I love my mom and she's done so much for me. I would also share it with my siblings, niece, and nephews. For my siblings, I would give them money and they could do what ever they want with it, but for my nephews and niece, I would buy them all the toys they wanted. If I won the lottery I would most likely buy my boyfriend a couple gifts to show my love for him. I will put all of the rest of my money into a savings account for college. That is if I don't blow it all.

I don't really think that too much about me would change if I won the lottery. I would just be fresh. I might be more confident or should I say conceited. I think my cousins would be happy for me but at the same time I think they'll be a little jealous. To prevent that, I'll buy them a little something. The part of my family who will receive majority of my money probably wouldn't care too much since they are getting some. It'll effect us positively because we'll have more money. It'll effect us negatively because we will probably grow apart from each other in our relations. Also, the things that we value may be altered.

Anonymous said...

I someway or another agree with something that my classmates have stated.So if i were to win the lottery i would definately help my family out with anything they needed, because my family is reelly important to me.We really arent in financial trouble or anything we just go on like 2 vacations a year so i would help put with that. Also i would definately help others as in take something that i really believe in and put money into it.For example i am crazy about any and all animals so i would donate money to a fund or something of that kind.
With what is left i will put it towards a college tuition if needed i wouldnt put a lot of money into that because i want to either get a scholarship or work for my college tuition.I feel it would be an achievement if i can put myself through college.Also with the remainder of my money i would save it and put it towards my future.Like for a car, wedding or my kids.So this money could help me out now and in the future.I would definately think about my future and how this money could possibly help me out then
Nicauis Santana Section B

Anonymous said...

Courtney Bourque

If I were to win the lottey it would have postive effect on my life. The first thing I would do if I won the lottery is that I would go and pick it up to see how much it is. The people I would give money to would be my grandma, my mom, and dad. I would by my grandma her own house and all new furniture and I would also buy her airplane tickets to Italy. Before I started giving any money away or start spending it I would take out enough money for college and I would also take some out for taxes. I would spend alot of money on my self for example going shopping more and I would by myself a nice car for when I got my license. Finally I would probly donate to a charity for poor people or abused mothers with children. The only thing that would probably be negative in this situation would be if I got caught up in all the money. But if I did win the lottery hopefully it would not turn out like that because I am not that kind of person.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Tran
Section E

If I won the lottery, there is an infinite amount things I could do and spend the money on. To start it off, I would probably help my parents with their financial problems.For the rest of the lottery money, I would spend it on myself.I would first of all have a major shopping spree.Actually I would probably fly to Europe to go shopping.I always wanted to go to Europe but my family can't really afford to, so if I won the lottery, I would be able to afford the plane tickets. I would also take my whole family to Europe because I would not want to go by myself.
I don't know if I would be able to save any of the money. I would like to probably save some money for college, but I don't think that would be possible. I would much rather think about the present and worry about the future later.I think that this financial change would affect my family and me because it would help us be better off financially. We would not have to worry about anything anymore and hopefully my mom won't have to be working all the time. She would probably be able to take more breaks and vacations.However, I don't know if this change would make me or my family a bit greedy. Hopefully it won't. But you just never know.

Anonymous said...

It's a time for me to have a good dream.....^^ if I won the lottery, I will tons of things to do... The first thing is to save an amount of money to prepare for college, I know it is a main problem for my parents and me in four years later and I should solve it first and so I can concentrate on other things and I want to do in order to accomplish my goals. Second, I will like to give half the amount of the money that left to my parents so that they can have their own savings and enjoy their lifes. I know they had go through many hardnesses in their lifes and i really want to end all the hardnesses let them try the relax lifes. That's one of the important things that I need to finish in my life. For the another half that left I would like to buy some little but nices things for the people that are important to me; a pair of nice earrings for my mom because I know she loves them but she rather saves money for the family; wine for my dad that was produced in 1986, he loves it but he never buy any for the same reason as my mom; and a secret gift for the person that I love... I feel so greedy for thinking that I can get all these things without pay off any effort, that's the negative effect of winning the lottery, I would become lazy and think that I can get things that I want without working hard. That will make me a hateful person, and I rather want that I have never win that lottery...

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that I forget to write my name and Section....
The Anonymous is me,Xiuyi Chen, Section E

Anonymous said...

If I won the lottery,it would impact my life tremendously. First and for most i would go to a boarding school and buy my mother a magestic mansion and she could choose where she want to live the money isnt a limit for her. Then i would give a large portion of the winnings to her because thats the only person i trust with my money. The other portion of my money would invest within my own sports agency. I would incorporate my prior knowledge within my company so i would be able to profit and let my money work for me. I would then take a vacation to different parts of the world so i can experience a variery of cultures and ways of life that i never was exposed to in my life.Further more would give my brothers and sisters a certain amount of money a month so they can spend it wisely.

Last but not least, the most important thng i would do with my money is donate it to people with disablities and suffering from life threatning diseases, so they would have a chance to have a longer life expectancy and have an oppurtuniy to enjoy the finer things in life. its hard to see people suffering but yet living life to its fullest extent, and we have people that are 100% heathy and complaing about thnigs thats senseless. Just to imagine if a little bit of paper can make a signifacent impact on peoples lives it wouldbe a joy to see,most importantly that i made it happen for them.

Abeeku Barrow
Section B

Anonymous said...

Well, if i won the lottery, not much would really change.
I would pay off debts and what not (necessities and what not) and then i would of course buy my mother a big house and new car. But i have dreams in life and would put away the money I would need for that (College+Med school). My quality of life would be much better.
Of course i would have to donate as well. Most likely to medical research to cure diseases that I think are sometimes over looked.

Those are just a few things to do with the lottery money (I researched, and the most recent lottery jackpot was 9 million dollars).
Daiquann Davis Section B

Rita said...

Winning the lottery would be huge. My life will change from normal to incomparable. I would definitely try hard to not spend it all on clothes and do something productive with it; obviously, I would not be selfish and waste it all on myself. I would buy my parents a big, gorgeous house in California near my big brother's house, a limousine, and plenty of workers to take care of them, for they have took care of me all these years. If my parents have debts to take care of that I do not know about, which I doubt, I would pay it off for them as soon as possible, so they won't have to constantly worry and stress over it. Last but not least, I would probably finance a family business within me and my two older brothers, hoping to have an amazing career.

Now that I have stated the positive effect of winning the lottery, here is the negative impact of it. Because of the bad economy nowadays, a lot of people have no jobs. There would probably be a lot of "haters" that will envy me for winning the lottery. On the other hand, I know my mother would be absolutely paranoid that someone might constantly try to rob me, or kill me for my money, which I know had happened to some people in the past.

Rita Wong_Section E

Anonymous said...

If I won the lottery I think It would be both bad, and good. The first thing I would is save some for college tuition and a car/future home. Once I've done that I'd probably just buy some games. I would probably give a nice portion to my parents to maybe pay the bills or help them in their business. With the rest of the money I would probably save it in the bank for future things I want and for some interest. I wouldn't be all greedy with it and not lend it out though, I would probably lend out money to people or pay back some friends. I wouldn't be to frugal with it but I definitely wouldn't spend it all since I have most of the things I want right at home. If possible I would bribe all the teachers in BLA to give me high grades but I don't think that would work. So in the end I'll have probably a large sum left and save it for anything that comes up in the future. If I have alot more then I need then I would probably give it to charity.

Connor Pope Section E

Anonymous said...

Tonecia Johnson
Section B
If i won the lottery the first thing i would do is faint. Then i would pay off the loan on my dad's house. Then i would put 75% of whatever is left for my college years. I would then save at least 10k to buy a car because thats always important. Then i would just blow the other money on sooooo much stuff. Im talking vacations in hawaii. Trips to Paris. Haha and sooooo much shopping. I mean how much we talking 200million or 1million. I can do a lot with at least 20 million. Then i'd only save 4 million for college life. A million for each year. Pay off daddys house . Save a million for my own house. Buy nice cars for me and my dad. Save the rest. Blow a million in shopping. Then i would give 10k to 100 of my family members. So after splurging ill have like 10 million in the bank sleeping and I'd go on in life acting like a regular person .

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Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.

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