Monday, June 8, 2009

Last Week(s) of Classes!!!

Congratulations everyone!
Go Sophomores!!!
Monday 6/8:
  • TEST If you are absent, you must see me during a study by the close of school on Wednesday.
  • Notebooks are due.
Tuesday 6/9 and Wednesday 6/10:
  • We will begin reviewing for the final.
  • You will be creating your own Jeopardy game (20 questions)
  • You will have to create questions based on the point criteria (the handout will explain all of this).
  • Assign tasks and complete equal work
  • Give yourself homework on Tues and Wed so you can finish your questions in time.
  • This will help you study for finals!!!
Thusday 6/11and Friday 6/12:
  • I know some of you have to go to a French Assembly and that is fine but you are missing out on the most intense Jeopardy game of your LIFE!
  • On Thursday you will play with a group, Friday you will find another group (so you can at least study three terms in class).
  • Losers will dance (with costumes)
Monday 6/15 to Friday 6/19:
  • During the time in between finals, I am open to suggestions. We can use the time to study, we can play games (Ask my b-ball team about Catch Phrase...) or we can watch a movie, or anything else you might do.
Last week of school:
  • Anyone interested in coming in during the last week of school, I can use some help cleaning my room. I know it is an extremely exciting proposition, but I will give you community service hours and maybe some food...Let me know so I can prepare.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Syllabus June 1st to June 5th

In class:
MA Book II: Study Questions (this was supposed to be HW, but we are going to do it in class today instead).

Due tomorrow: MA Book II: Study Questions (handout)
Due tomorrow: MA Book III: Study/response questions on Blog
Due Thursday: Finish reading MA. You will have class work based on your reading. QUIZ GRADE!

In class:
DUE: Book II class work AND Book III questions
Animal Farm Power point: symbols, satires and modern connections
Due Tomorrow: none

In class:
Due: nothing :)
Animal Farm Power point: symbols, satires and modern connections
Due tomorrow: Finish reading MA. You will have class work based on your reading. QUIZ GRADE!

In class:
DUE: Finish reading MA.
You will have class work: Essay
Due tomorrow: nothing

In class:
DUE: none
Notes on MA, reviewing the novel as a whole
Due Monday: Organize your notebook and bring it to class. Hint Hint.
Due Tuesday: Bring Table of Contents section for ALL TERMS. We will begin reviewing.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Antonia: Book II and Book III

BOOK II: Chapters 10 to 15

  • What is a hired girl? Why might the townspeople dislike them? Why might an immigrant or a foreginer be disliked? Compare/contrast the Harlings' and the Cutters' home life. How do the gendar roles differ between Mr. and Mrs. Harling and Mr. and Mrs. Cutter?
  • Jim's commencement address to Antonia focuses on nostalgia and emotional success after the death of Antonia's father. What is emotional success? Why do you think that the event was an emotional success for Jim Burden? How do the feelings of Nostaligia affect the characters of Jim and Antonia? Their relationship with eachother? Is memory a reliable source of the past? How do memories mold and shape us?

BOOK III: All chapters (due Tuesday 6/2)

  • A whole book in the novel is dedicated to Lena Lingard yet the book is titled My Antonia. Is My Antonia a book about Antonia? Why or why not? What might the author's intentions be dedicating a book to Lena Lingard?
  • What two quotations from Virgil arrest Jims attention? How do these words give some insight into what Cather has done in My Antonia?
  • How has Lena changed? Why does Jim find her interesting? What are her failings as a dressmaker? Why do her customers forgive her for them? Why does she care nto to get married? What does all of this indicate about her character?

Syllabus: May 25 to May 29


Bring your LIT BOOK and MY ANTONIA to class!!!

We are reading BOTH! Be prepared!


In class:
If you were absent on the day of the quiz, you MUST see me during a study or after school on TUESDAY in order to get credit. If you have any other problems, speak to me prior to this.
DUE: Ch 6 and 7 in Animal Farm
Begin Ch 8 and 9 and answer “Interpreting Meanings” # 6 to 14 on pg 850.
Finish for homework
Due Tomorrow: MA: Book II: chapters 1 to 9, questions on the blog
Due Thursday: Read AF ch 10 and complete # 1 to 13 on page 855
Due Friday: MA Book II: ch 10 to 15 and response question on the blog.

In class:
Due: MA: Book II: chapters 1 to 9, questions on the blog
Review Animal Farm ch 8 and 9
Due tomorrow: Read ch 10. and complete the study questions
Due Friday: MA Book II: ch 10 to 15 and response question on the blog.

In class:
DUE: Animal Farm: ch 10:Facts/interpreting meanings
The Novel as a whole
Plot structure, theme, satire, intent, etc.
Due tomorrow: MA Book II: ch 10 to 15 and response question on the blog.

In class:
DUE: MA Book II: ch 10 to 15 and response question on the blog.
QUIZ: Animal Farm ALL chapters.
If you were absent on the day of the quiz, you MUST see me during a study or after school on MONDAY in order to get credit. If you have any other problems, speak to me prior to this.
Due Monday: MA Book II: Study Questions (handout)
Due Tuesday: MA Book III: Study/response questions on Blog

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Antonia: Book II, Ch 1 to 9


Book II: The Hired Girls

As Jim's grandparents age, the Burdens move to the city of Black Hawk to escape the hardships of the farm and country life. The Burdens make an arrangement to bring Antonia to Black Hawk as hired help of the Harlings, who live next door. This arrangements allows Antonia to escape the hardship on the farm, the lowly expectations of her family, and to develop skills in housework. These chapters are filled with happiness and comfort and the reader can experience the relationship between Jim and Antonia.

  • My Antonia focuses on the right thing to do. Antonia does what the Burdens feel is proper and right. How would the voice of these chapters change if Antonia were writing the novel instead and instead of Jim? It is also a novel where numerous characters appear and disappear. In the midst of chapters of contentment, how do the appearance and disappearance of characters ling to the characters joy and grief?

Lena Lingard, the beautiful daughter of Norwegian immigrants, moves from the country to Black Hawk and visits Antonia and the Harlings. Lena has been hired to assist in dressmaking. Many Stories surround Lena concerning her immoral and promiscuous nature. These chapters of MA are the climax of joy: dancing, music, parties, stories of visitors all inhabit their lives.

  • What does Lena's character resemble or signify? How do the entry and disappearance of characters of joy affect the mood of the novel? Use rhetorical analysis to indicate what the mood is and the use of a disappearing character. What might characters such as Samson symbolize? Does any gloom exist among the gaiety of Black Hawk?

My Antonia: Ch 15 to 19 Response questions

Book I: Ch 15 to 19

Elaborate using specific evidence from the novel mixed with your own personal views. Each response question should be about 300 words in length.

  1. How does religion determine the proper way to bury Mr. Shimerda and how does the country determine what is proper? Why is it significant that Mr. Shimerda is buried at a crossroads? How do the grandfather and Mrs. Shimerda have different views on the significance of being buried at a crossroads?
  2. Hoe does hardship change a person? Positive example AND negative. How does Antonia change once her father dies? How about the Shimerda family? Are Jim's transformed feelings for Antonia justified, why or why not?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Syllabus: May 18th to May 22nd


In class:
Due: I In MY Antonia, read Book 1: introduction and chapters 7 – 14 and complete response questions on blog.
Compare/Contrast experiences with characters to interviewee
Due Tomorrow: Propaganda assignment
Due Wednesday: My Antonia: Book I: Ch 1 – 14 study questions
Due Friday: MA: Finish Book I: ch 15 to 19 and answer discussion questions (on Blog)
Due Friday: QUIZZZZZZZZZ! AF Ch 1-5, MA Ch 1 to 19 and background info for both.

In class:
DUE: Propaganda Assignment
Discuss Examples
Due Tomorrow: My Antonia: Book I: Ch 1 – 14 study questions

In class:
Due: My Antonia: Book I: Ch 1 – 14 study questions
Due tomorrow: AF: Finish ch. 5 and answer study questions.

In class:
DUE: Animal Farm: ch 5
Plot analysis and Character development
Use of Satire/allegory
Due tomorrow MA: Finish Book I: ch 15 to 19 and answer study questions, STUDY FOR QUIZZZZ…

In class:
DUE: MA: Finish Book I: ch 15 to 19 and answer study questions
QUIZ: Communism background info, George Orwell, Animal Farm, My Antonia!!
If you were absent on the day of the quiz, you MUST see me during a study or after school on MONDAY in order to get credit. If you have any other problems, speak to me prior to this.
Due Tuesday: AF: Read chapters 6 and 7, complete BOTH sides of EACH handout
Due Wed: MA: Book II: chapters 1 to 9, questions on the blog

Friday, May 15, 2009

My Antonia: Chapters 7 to 14 response Questions:

Response Questions:

BOOK I: Chapters 4 – 8:

The untamed land of Nebraska is difficult for the new immigrant family, and Mr. Shimerda encounters great hardships. Mr. Shimerds’s hopes brighten when he meets two Ukrainian friends, Peter and Pave. The two Russian immigrants escaped the Ukraine and came to the United States (and for some of you, this is similar to your interview assignment) after a tragic evening: an entire wedding party was over taken by wolves! Also, in these chapters, Antonia and Jim Burden’s relationship blossoms and develops around one of varying roles: age, gender, strength, language, and origin.

• What hardship does Mr. Shimerda Face? How do Peter and Pavel help to lighten his depression? Hoe does the story of Peter and Pavel in the Ukraine affect their new lives in the United States? What are the various factors that affect Jim and Antonia’s relationship? How do the other characters’ experiences change/affect their perspective on gender, age, education, language, and origin?

BOOK I: Chapters 9 – 14:

In this section two major concepts are in focus: religion and hardships. The Shimerdas are struggling during their first winter in Nebraska’s countryside while the Burdens are enjoying a snowy comfortable Christmas in the same region. The Shimerdas living conditions, food supply, and mental and physical health are in jeopardy. As a result, the Burdens take care of them. Despite their different religious beliefs, the Shimerdas find that differences in religion are overridden by the goodness in people

• How does religion play a part in setting the TONE of My Antonia? Find THREE passages that indicate the tone and explain how religion is important in those passages. Do religious differences divide or separate the Shimerdas and the Burdens? How do the hardship that the Shimerdas face during their first country winter and the family’s strong faith in religion connect?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Syllabus: 5/11 to 5/15

In class:
Due: In MY Antonia, read Book 1: introduction and chapters 1 – 3 and complete response questions
Mini Rhetorical Analysis
Due Tomorrow: Using chapters 1-3 in Book One: complete the Rhetorical Analysis Handout
Due Wednesday: Animal Farm: Read chapters 1-2 on pages 810-817 in Lit Book.
Due Thursday: Nebraska Worksheet
Due Thursday: Please have your parents sign and date the open notebook test from Term 4. This will count as a HW grade.
Due Friday: Interview!!!

In class:
DUE: Chapters 1-3 rhetorical analysis
Read MA chapters 4-6 and complete a Rhetorical Analysis, finish for HW
Due Tomorrow: Chapter 4-6 reading and Rhetorical Analysis
Due Tomorrow: Animal Farm: Read chapters 1-2 on pages 810-817 in Lit Book and complete handouts

In class:
Due: Chapter 4-6 reading and Rhetorical Analysis
IN LIT BOOK: we will read/complete character charts for AF.
Due tomorrow: Animal Farm: Read chapters 3-4 on pages 818 to 823 in Lit Book and complete handouts
Due tomorrow: SIgned Test from Term 4
Due tomorrow: Nebraska Worksheet (given to you on Monday 5/11)

In class:
DUE: Animal Farm:: chapters 3 and 4/handouts, Signed Test, Nebraska
Review Propaganda Assignment

In class:
DUE: Interview: You MUST get your interview to me if you are not here or ZERO
Group assignment

Due Monday: In My Antonia, read Book 1: introduction and chapters 7 – 14 (pages 24 - 52) and complete response questions on blog.
Due Tuesday: Propaganda Assignment

Friday, May 8, 2009

Songs for Spring

Hey team...
I thought I would put this on here to spread some spring time smiles.
Here is a clip from Britains Got Talent. Shaheen is 12 years old and this kid has an amazing set of pipes; it almost makes me cry - he is that good! I couldn't embed the video, so I posted the link below (it picks up about the :58 mark).

Click here: Shaheen Jafargholi sings Michael Jackson

I am a big fan of a capella groups and came across this yesterday. Both songs by musical greats, are often duplicated but never replicated, although this guy does each song some justice; you can't help but dance and sing along. The performer's name is Nate Tao and I think he is fantastic. I hope you enjoy!

"Isn't She Lovely"

"I Want You Back" (he kills it all the way through the end...)

If you want to learn more about Nate Tao, you can go to his website:

If you want to share you thoughts on his "awesomeness" you are free to leave them in the comment section below!


~Ms. G

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Julius Caesar and The Odyssey


Compare the two works of literature. Use your brainstorm, find a connective thread, and prove it to be true using evidence of the text.


_____/5: Introduction: engaging hook, stated topic, indicates the titles and author of each work, thesis

_____/15: Body Paragraphs: topic sentences that support your thesis, examples and citations from the text are used to support your topic sentences and your thesis. Analysis of the citations indicates an understanding of the literature and shows a strong connection between the two.

_____/5: Conclusion: Summarizes the essay, adds the “so what” and give some food for thought, lesson, moral, etc

_____/10: MLA format: heading, headers, title, margins, works cited page, proper citations, final copy ready!

_____/15: Turnitin: submitted and uploaded to by the start of class.

Monday, May 4, 2009

My Antonia

Book I: Introduction

The First Narrator in MA is an unnamed speaker who grew up with Jim Burden and meets him years later on a train. Jim tells his story in response to this mysterious figure, who disappears from the novel as soon as the introduction is over.

  • Why might Willa Cather begin her novel with an introduction from an unnamed female acquaintance of Jim Burden?
  • How does this first narrator's disappearance foreshadow other with drawls within this novel, which at times resembles a series of departures, the events, the mood and the tone of the novel?
  • what effect does this device have on the reader? Why might Cather have chosen to frame her narrative this way?
  • Why does Jim title his manuscript "My Antonia"? What does he mean when he states, "It's through myself that I knew and felt her"?

Book 1: Chapters 1 - 3

At the start of the novel, Jim Burden is moving to his grandparents' farm new Black Hawk Nebraska as a result of his parents death. Once there, Jim learns that a new family of Bohemian immigrants, the Shimerdas, had moved into a home near Black Hawk. The Shimerdas' journey to their new home was difficult: they were cheated out of money upon purchasing their new farm, inhibited by language barriers and struggled against the hardships of being a new immigrant in the strange and untamed land.

  • Compare and contrast Jim Burden's move out west with the Shimerdas move. How would the voice of the book differ if Mr. Shimerda, Jake, Antonia or the grandmother wrote the first few chapters?

Syllabus: 5/4 to 5/8

In class:
If you missed the TEST from last week, you need to see my during study hall By the close of school on TUESDAY!!! Otherwise, you will earn a ZERO.
Due: Complete Outline
Begin Rough Draft
Due Tomorrow: Bring notes, outlines to class.
Due Thursday: essay!!!!! Final copy ready, uploaded to turnitin by the start of class.

In class:
DUE: notes, outlines, JC/Odyssey Book
Work on Rough Draft
Due Tomorrow: Finish Rough Draft if possible, TYPE for tomorrow)

In class:
Due: Rough Draft
Peer editing
Due tomorrow: ESSAY: FINAL COPY READY/Turnitin, MLA format

In class:
Pass out My Antonia
Review Interview assignment: Due Friday May 15th
Due tomorrow: Read/mark up background information on George Orwell and Animal Farm.

In class:
DUE: Background information on Animal Farm, Communism, Socialism
Due Monday 5/4: In MY Antonia, read Book 1: introduction and chapters 1 – 3 and complete response questions (Posted on the Blog)
Due Friday May 15th: Interview

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Odyssey

I was going to go over this in class, but figured it would take too much time. If you are having difficulty understanding, then you can click this link on your own.

Here is a link to help you understand Homer's The Odyssey.

Click here for summary

There is a long and short summary with fun pictures! I hope this helps you!

Syllabus: 4/27 to 5/1's MAY already! Yay Spring!

In class:
Reminder: keep you binders neat and updated. COULD be collected RANDOMLY!!
Due: Finish reading Julius Caesar and answer selected questions on the blog
Wrap –up
Class group assignment: events and significance
Due Tomorrow
: IN YOUR LITERATURE BOOK: Read: Homer’s The Odyssey and complete assigned Questions (you have a handout AND they are on the blog).
Due Thursday: TEST. You will be allowed to use SELECTED notes. Bring binders to class. If you are not in class (either absent or late to school) on this day you MUST see me on FRIDAY DURING A STUDY HALL (of on THURSDAY you are late to school).
Due Friday: Grades CLOSE!!!

In class:
DUE: Read The Odyssey and answer selected questions
Tragic Hero
Due Tomorrow: Movie Critic Worksheet: “Best of” Julius Caesar

In class:
Due: Movie Critic Worksheet
Review movie critic (briefly)
Review the Odyssey
Due tomorrow: Study/bring notes to class...


In class:
DUE: notes/notebook and TEST. Will count for TERM 4!!!!!
If you are not in class, see me during study!
· Due tomorrow: Comparison/contrasting sheet on Odyssey/Julius Caesar. You will need this to complete Friday's class work

In class:
DUE: I Comparison/contrasting sheet on Odyssey/Julius Caesar
We will begin drafting an essay comparing the two works of literature. This essay will be due next week and count in TERM 5 (the LAST term of your freshman year, so make it count!!)
Using your comparison/contrast worksheet from last night, complete a thesis outline for your paper.
Due Monday 5/4: Finish your outline from class. Make sure you have all notes and other materials needed so that you can you begin drafting your essay.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Julius Caesar: Act V Questions

· Read/translate/take notes on Act V
o use white lined paper or the usual handout.
· Then, answer the following questions (only 15!!):
DUE: Monday 4/27 (no exceptions!)

Page 253: #15

Page 254: # 5 and 6

Page 255: # 10 (think about techniques used in persuasive speech)

Page 257: # 5, 7, 8

Page 259: # 2, 6, 8, 10, 12

Page 260: # 13, 15, 18

Have a Wonderful Spring Break! Be safe and Have fun!!!

The Odyssey: Reading and Study questions

The Odyssey: Reading and Study questions

DIRECTIONS: Read the section for The Odyssey by Homer, in your literature books 721 to 798. You need to read all books in the epic and answer the questions on this handout. You do not need to type them, but it might be helpful for you to do so (and easier for me to read). Answer the questions labeling the sections and numbering the questions. Do your best and answer in complete sentences and make specific references to lines and text.

DUE: Tuesday 4/28/09 (do NOT save this for last minute. You MUST work on this over April vacation)

Book 1: Athena Advises Telemachus
1. What is a muse and how is it used in the first stanza?
2. How does the poet tress a moralizing theme in lines 10 to 11?
3. What traits in the personality of the young Telemachus does the passage from lines 19 to 29 emphasize?
4. How is the passage from lines 46 to 49 an example of dramatic irony?

Book 2: Telemachus Confronts the Suitors
1. What conclusions can you draw about Penelope’s character from this description (lines 96-110) of the famous weaving trick? How would you compare her personality to what you already know about Odysseus?
2. What is the first major conflict exposed in the epic (lines 115-119).
3. How do Athena’s words point to a major theme in the opening section of the Odyssey?
4. What do lines 145-148 foreshadow?

Book 3: The Visit to Nestor/Book 4: The Menelaus and Helen
1. What is a formulaic passage and how are lines 152-158 an example of it?
2. From lines 180-185, which three lines are an example of formulaic passage and why?

WRAP –UP for Part I, Books 1-4:
• Complete the following questions on page 731
o Interpreting meanings: # 6-9
o Analyzing language and vocabulary: # 1-3

WRAP-UP for Part II, Books 5-8
• Complete the following questions on page 744
o Identifying facts: #1-3
o Interpreting Meanings: #5-8
o Analyzing Language and Vocabulary: #1

WRAP-UP for Part II, Books 9-12
• Complete the following questions on pages 768-769
o Identifying facts: #1-7
o Interpreting Meanings: #9 and 13

WRAP-UP for Part III, Books 13-16
• Complete the following questions on page 774
o Identifying facts: #1-3
o Interpreting meanings # 4, 5 and 7

WRAP-UP for Part III, Books 16-19
• Complete the following questions on page 781
o Identifying facts: #1-3
o Interpreting meanings # 4-9

WRAP-UP for Part III, Books 20-24
• Complete the following questions on page 795
o Identifying facts: #1-6
o Interpreting meanings # 8 and 9

Monday, April 13, 2009

Syllabus: 4/13 to 4/17

In class:
Due: read/translate Act III, scene 1: ONLY lines 1 to 155. We will review the funeral orations in class!
Watch/follow along in book
Funeral speeches
Due Tomorrow: “Turning the Tides: Brutus”
Due Wednesday: Read/Mark-up/take notes/highlight/read with a pen/etc: Antony’s speech analysis
Due Thursday: In JC book: Pages 246- 247: complete questions 14 – 19.
Due Friday: In JC book: page 249 # 10 – 13 AND THE DAY OF SILENCE: Buy your stickers to participate!!!
Due Monday 4/27: Finish reading Julius Caesar and answer selected questions on the blog
Due Tuesday 4/28: IN YOUR LITERATURE BOOK: Read: Homer’s The Odyssey and complete assigned Questions (you have a handout AND they are on the blog).

In class:
DUE: “Turning the Tides: Brutus”
We will work on “Turning the tides: Antony”
Due Tomorrow:
Read/Mark-up/take notes/highlight/read with a pen! Antony’s speech analysis

In class:
Due: Read/Mark-up/take notes/highlight/read with a pen! Antony’s speech analysis
Read/translate Act IV scenes 1 and 2 (finish for HW)
Due tomorrow:
In JC book: Pages 246- 247: complete questions 14 – 19.

In class:
DUE: In JC book: Pages 246- 247: complete questions 14 – 19.
Read/Translate Act IV, scene 3
Due tomorrow
: Finish Scene 3 and In JC book: page 249 # 10 – 13 AND THE DAY OF SILENCE: Buy your stickers to participate!!!

In class:
DUE: In JC book: page 249 # 10 – 13
The Day of Silence
Due Monday 4/27: Finish Reading Julius Caesar Act IV: Selected Questions on the Blog
Due Tuesday 4/28: IN YOUR LITERATURE BOOK: Read: Homer’s The Odyssey and complete assigned Questions (you have a handout AND they are on the blog).

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Act I and II: Journals

Directions: Pick ONE question below and write a well though response 200-300 words. Include your repsonse or comments for a student in the class: do you agree/disagree or have any additional comments for that classmate.

If you are the first person to post, you can respond to me.

Be sure to post your name AND section.

  1. Describe a time when you have been flattered by a person or group of people. What were the circumstances and how did you react? What were the intentions of the group (if any) and how did you know. Then, be sure to indicate how you think flattery cna be either a positive influence on a person OR a negative one. Use your own experience to back it up. Be sure to respond to a classmate.
  2. Describe a time when you ignored the advice of others to do something your way. What happened? What would have happened if you had followed the advice given? Indicate if you think standing by your own wishes can be either positive or negative. Explain why using your own experience and then be sure to respond to your peers.

Syllabus 4/1 to 4/10

Wednesday to Friday
In class:
Political Leader Project: Written essay, works cited page, turn it in and visual poster.
You will be presenting!!!!
Due Tuesday: Journals (posted on the blog).

In class:
Political Leader Project: Written essay, works cited page, turn it in and visual poster.
You will be presenting!!!!
Just in case we need more time!
Due Tuesday: Journals (posted on the blog). Pick ONE and respond to it personally AND include a response to ONE of your peers. Must be completed by the start of class. Your response should be 300 to 400 words. Also, the first person to post will respond to ME J .
Due Thursday: QUIZ!!! Acts I and II

In class:
DUE: Blog Post/journal response
Julius Caesar: Act II, scene 3 - 4
Due Tomorrow: Finish reading/translating Act II, scene 3 and 4 and complete questions For BOTH scenes: 1-6 on page 238 and questions 1-6 on pages 238-9

In class:
Due: pages 238-9, Questions 1 – 6 for both scenes.
Review homework and prepare for quiz.
Due tomorrow: STUDY: character Identification, passage analysis, plot advances, etc.

In class:
Act I and II
Complete opinion paragraphs based on JC content
· Due Tomorrow: read, translate Act III, scene 1: ONLY lines 1 to 155. We will review the funeral orations in class!

In class:
Good Friday

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Political Leader Project

Hey everyone...

I wanted to remind you about the rubric for your project (posted below). BE SURE TO ATTACH THE RUBRIC TO YOUR ESSAY! You will turn in your paper tomorrow and be selected at random to present.

Also, if you need to bring your posters to class during homeroom, you are welcome to leave them in the back.

Be remember that your powerpoint MUST work at the time of your presentation. Email it to yourself as a back up. IT MUST BE ON A USB. I don't have internet access in my room anymore, so it is up to you to get uploaded.

Be well and I am looking forward to your projects!


______(10) MLA FORMAT: all in proper format, typed TNR, double spaced, heading/header, etc.
______(10) WORKS CITED PAGE: Page is properly formatted, You Must have at least THREE SOURCES (including but not limited to: 1 encyclopedia, 2 online database sites). You turn in ALL of your note cards as well.
______(10) GRAMMAR/SPELLING/MECHANICS: proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, paragraph and sentence structure
______(15) EVIDENCE: Facts are accurate, relevant and presented clearly. Use citations to indicate your sources used in the report. You cover all areas asked. Connect to life of Julius Caesar.
______(30) PRESENTATION/VISUAL: creativity, effort, and “thinking outside of the box” is evident in the visual. Displays KEY facts, pictures which are easily legible and factual. During presentation, you speak clearly, make eye contact and have a “conversation” to the class. Presentation is interesting and engaging.
______(25) Turn it in

Friday, March 13, 2009

Syllabus: March 16th to March 27th

March 16th to March 20th

Reminder: If you were absent to take the quiz on Friday 3/13, you must see me during a study hall by the close of school on WEDNESDAY!
In class:
Political Figure Project: DUE on WEDNESDAY 4/1/09
When is When
Characters, Triumvirates and Timeline (read/highlight/know it!)
Due Wednesday: Finish Class work
Due Wednesday: One page TYPED response (MLA format): Answer the following question” Is violence an effective answer to violence, why or why not? Use at least 2 examples to support ONE side of the argument.
Due Friday: Work sheet: “stars and soothsayers” and your characters, triumvirates, timeline.

Happy Evacuation Day!!!

In class:
Due: Response: Violent is an effective answer to violence
Begin Reading JC
Act I, scene 1
Due tomorrow: In JC book: questions on 225 #1-6

In class:
Due: page 225 #1-6
Act I, scene 2
· Due Tomorrow: read and translate Scene 2 on your own, "stars and soothsayers"

In class:
Due: read/translate scene 2 and 3/"stars and soothsayers"
Due Monday: In the back of JC: pgs 227 – 229. #’s 1 – 21. Answers only!

March 23rd to March 27th

In class:
DUE: In the back of JC: pgs 227 – 229. #’s 1 – 21. Answers only!
In class we will read Act II, scene 1 and take notes.
Due Tomorrow:
Finish reading Act II, scene 1
Due Wednesday 4/1: Political Leader Project: Written essay, works cited page, turn it in and visual poster. You will be presenting!!!!

In class:
DUE: Finish reading Act II, scene 1.
Group discussion questions: pages 232 – 235, #’s 1 – 24/
Due Tomorrow: Finish for HW and Meet in Library with ALL materials!!

In class:
Due: pages 232 – 235, #’s 1 – 24
REPORT DIRECTLY TO THE LIBRARY WITH YOUR BINDER AND MATERIALS FOR RESEARCH!!!! Remember to keep track of your information for your works cited page!
Due tomorrow: nada

In class:
REPORT DIRECTLY TO THE LIBRARY WITH YOUR BINDER AND MATERIALS FOR RESEARCH!!!! Remember to keep track of your information for your works cited page!
· Due Tomorrow: nothing

In class:
REPORT DIRECTLY TO THE LIBRARY WITH YOUR BINDER AND MATERIALS FOR RESEARCH!!!! Remember to keep track of your information for your works cited page!
Last day in Library to work on project!
Due Monday
: Read Act II, scene 2 and be prepared! Know your stuff!
Due Wednesday 4/1: Political Leader Project: Written essay, works cited page, turn it in and visual poster. You will be presenting!!!! Everyone must be prepared! You will be randomly selected to go!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Syllabus: 3/9/09 to 3/20/09

March 9th to March 13th

In class:
MLA Format Practice
Setting up your paper: Team Challenge
Due Tomorrow: MLA Practice Packet
Due Tomorrow: SCAVENGER HUNT! WEAR APPROPRIATE CLOTHES! You will be on the floor, crawling around and being physical!
Due Friday: QUIZ: Background information on Julius Caesar and Shakespeare

In class:
Find the info and follow the rules!
Not a day to be absent!
Due tomorrow: If you don’t finish the scavenger hunt in class, you need to gather the information on your own using the library/internet

In class:
Due: Scavenger hunt questions
Shakespeare, Globe, Elizabethan Times
In class:
Finish class work

In class:
Puns and Language
· Due Tomorrow: Finish class work and STUDY FOR TEST TOMORROW

Friday the 13th! AHHHH!
In class:
QUIZ: Info on Shakespeare (From Scavenger Hunt) and background Info
Due Monday: nothing!!

March 16th to March 20th

In class:
When is When
Due Tomorrow: Finish Class work
Due Wednesday: One page TYPED response (MLA format): Answer the following question” Is violence an effective answer to violence, why or why not? Use at least 2 examples to support ONE side of the argument.
Due Friday: Work sheet: “stars and soothsayer”

In class:
Bring your Latin Expertise!!
Due tomorrow: One page TYPED response (MLA format): Is violence an effective answer to violence, why or why not? Use at least 2 examples to support ONE side of the argument.

In class:
Due: Response: Violent is an effective answer to violence
Begin Reading JC
Act I, scene 1
Due tomorrow: In JC book: questions on 225 #1-6

In class:
Due: page 225 #1-6
Act I, scene 2
· Due Tomorrow: read and translate Scene 2 on your own

In class:
Due: read/translate scene 2
Together we will work on content and Analysis Questions
Due Monday: TBA

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Syllabus: 2/23 to 3/6

***UPDATE: If you were absent for the test on Friday 2/27, then you need to see me during a study hall on TUESDAY 3/3. Otherwise, you will not recieve any credit! Your essay is still due on 3/3. NO exceptions!

February 23rd to February 27th

In class:
Due: Study guide ch 28 – 38 AND Dear Jane letter. You received a handout and it is posted on the blog.
Jane Eyre Essay Topics
“Places of the Heart”: The importance of the setting
Due Tomorrow: Nothing
Due Tuesday MARCH 3rd: Jane Eyre Essay, MLA format, turnitin

In class:
Minor Characters/Major Effects
Due tomorrow: Finish for homework

In class:
DUE: Major/minor characters
Themes According to Jane
Themes According to Critics
Due tomorrow: Finish for homework

In class:
“Relay Race”: Events in Jane Eyre

In class:
Test will include multiple choice, matching, true or false, character identifications on Bronte/background/setting/characters/vocab from presentations!!!
If you are absent on the day of the test, you MUST see me during a study hall on MONDAY, or you will earn a ZERO.
Due Tuesday: MARCH 3rd: Jane Eyre Essay, MLA format, turnitin

***UPDATE: If you were absent for the test on Friday 2/27, then you need to see me during a study hall on TUESDAY 3/3. Otherwise, you will not recieve any credit! Your essays are STILL DUE on Tuesday 3/3. NO exceptions!!!

March 2nd to March 6th

In class:
Emily Dickenson Poetry
Due Tomorrow: Jane Eyre Essay, MLA format, turnitin

In class:
Due: Jane Eyre Essay, MLA format, turnitin
Emily Dickenson Poetry
Due tomorrow: nada

In class:
MOVIE: Jane Eyre
Comparison/contrast notes
Due tomorrow: nuthin’!


In class:
MOVIE: Jane Eyre
Comparison/contrast notes
· Due Tomorrow: Nope.

In class:
MOVIE: Jane Eyre
Comparison/contrast notes
Due Monday:
nothing!! Enjoy your weekend and get ready for term 4!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dear Jane Letter

For this assignment you are going to write a letter to Jane. First you must decide whose POINT OF VIEW you are going to use: are you going to be her friend, act like her mother, etc. Your tone and response will be determined by who you are.

In this letter, you must criticize OR commend her decision to be with Rochester. You mus use one or the other. Use situations that occurred in the novel, Jane’s narration, and your personal values to give insight to the situation.

This should be 700-800 words and uploaded to turn it before the start of class.

This is a TEST GRADE!!



____(5) Strong point of view, clear focus, chooses only ONE side of the
Argument. Uses TNR font 12, typed, double-spaced.

____(5) Letter is creative, believable, and sincere

____(10) Use situations from the novel that are relevant, insightful and
explained. These situations are used as support for your commentary
to Jane.

____(5) Uses appropriate vocabulary for the point of view taken. Uses
appropriate grammar and vocabulary indicates a strong point of

____(25) = _______/100


Syllabus: Feb 9th to Feb 13

In class:
Due: Read ch 27 to 29
Sorry: Questions did not get posted. We will work on them in class.
Due Tomorrow: Bring all necessary materials to class: this will be the LAST time you have to prepare for your chapter presentations. You must let me know what materials you need copied 24 hrs in advance and if you have a power point.
Due Wednesday – Friday: Not only do you have to be prepared for your presentation, you also need to read so that you can be prepared for class. Do not leave your classmates hanging and it could be done to you.

In class:
Get right into groups and finalize planning
Take the time to work out details and plan your 15 min presentations
Due tomorrow: Read chapters 30 – 33

In class:
Group 1: Ch. 30 – 31
Group 2: Ch. 32 - 33
Due tomorrow:
Read Ch. 34- 37


In class:
Group 3: Ch. 34 -35
Group 4: Ch. 36-37
· Due Tomorrow: Ch. 38


In class:
Group 5: Ch. 38
Review Novel as a whole
Due Monday 2/23: Study guide ch 28 – 38 AND Dear Jane letter. You received a handout and it is posted on the blog.

Due Friday 2/27: Jane Eyre and Gothic Lit FINAL TEST.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Jane Eyre: Ch 25- 26 Study Questions

Chapter 25

  1. What might the tearing of the veil symbolize?

  2. When Jane regards her wedding gown, what mood does Bronte establish and why do you think so?

Chapter 26

  1. Why does Rochester require the wedding party to go to Thornfield to see his wife?

  2. What is your opinion of Rochester’s plan to commit bigamy? Was he justified in wanting to marry Jane?

  3. How are Jane's uncle and Mr.Mason connected and what is your opinion of thier relationship?

  4. Re-read Jane's recollections of the events leading up to the introduction of Bertha Mason. How are these events different/similar from other romantic writing (think Fabio on the cover)? Why do you think Bronte writes the scene this way?

Syllabus: 2/2 - 2/6

If you were absent on FRIDAY 1/30, you need to see me during your study hall on MONDAY to make up your quiz. Otherwise, you will earn a ZERO.

In class:
Due: Read ch 20-24 and answer study questions on blog
Due Tomorrow: Read chapters 25-26/questions on blog
Due Wednesday: Final Draft of Short Story!

In class:
Due: ch 25-26/study questions
Character Foils
Jane Character Figure
Finish for HW
Due tomorrow:
Final Draft!!! Don’t forget about turn-it-in!

In class:
Due: FINAL DRAFT OF SHORT STORY! I need a paper (hard) copy and your submission to turn-it-in.
Stapled, cover page, etc. DO NOT DO THIS IN CLASS.
Due tomorrow: nada


In class:
Present short story
· Due Tomorrow: nothing :)


In class:
· Student Teachers: Teach the class assignment
· If you are absent on this day, the directions and your groups will be posted on the blog.
· You will have minimal class time to complete this, so coordinate via instant message, facebook, phone and email. I can help you with copies, but you MUST give me at least 24 hours notice.
· Remember: everyone posted his/her email address on the blog! It was one of the very first posts!
· Begin planning
Due Monday: Read ch 27-29, complete analysis questions on the blog.
Due Wednesday: Student teaching begins :)

Jane Eyre: Study Questions Ch 20 - 24

Chapters 20 - 22:
  1. At this point in the novel, it is very clear Rochester is deeply involved with some mystery surrounding Grace Poole. At the end of ch. 20, who does Rochester initially hint may help him find happiness? When Jane can not respond to his hinting, his tone and attitude changes immediately. What does this indicate about Rochester's character?
  2. In chapter 21, we are treated to an example of what the Reed sisters have become. How does Jane respond to their personalities? How does Jane compare/contrast to them?
  3. Chapter 22 is short and deals with Jane's return to Thornwood. What function does this serve in terms of the entire novel?

Chapter 23:
1. What is ironic about Jane’s statement to Rochester that he is a married man?

2. What might the storm and the splitting of the chestnut tree foreshadow?

Chapter 24:
3. Why does Jane decide to write to her uncle John Eyre in Madeira to tell him of her approaching marriage? What would have happened if she hadn’t written to him?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Syllabus 1/26 to 1/30

If you were absent on Friday 1/23, you must make up the quiz during your study hall by the close of school on Wednesday! Otherwise, you will earn a ZERO!


Due: ch 11 to 15 questions/reading/guy fawkes journal
review in class
Due tomorrow: Read ch 16 -17 and complete journal on Marxism AND BRING GRAMMAR BOOKS TO CLASS. You will need them to help you for he assignment. If you are unprepared you will take a ZERO for class.
Due Thursday: Study for Quiz ch 11-19
Due Friday: Rough Draft of Gothic Story: MUST BE TYPED!!!!

Due: ch 16-17/journal on Marxism
In class: BRING GRAMMAR BOOKS TO CLASS. Grammar assignment
Due tomorrow:
Read chapters 18 and 19/read and mark-up supernatural elements and write a journal


Due: ch 18 and 19/read and mark-up supernatural elements and write a journal
Review as a class.
Due Tomorrow: study for quiz ch 11 - 19


Due: Quiz ch 11-19
Due tomorrow: TYPED ROUGH DRAFT!!!


Due: Peer Edit: you will work with a partner and read your stories. Use eachother to brainstorm and help to enhance your stories!
Due Monday: Read ch 20-24 and answer study questions on blog

Friday, January 23, 2009

Jane Eyre: Chapters 11 to 15

Chapters 11 – 12:

  1. What do you think about the first paragraphs in chapter 11? Analyze this passage with regard to the narrator and the author.
  2. What affect does Mrs. Farifax’s description of Rochester have on the reader? How does Bronte achieve this?

Chapter 13:

  1. How has Thornfield changed with the arrival of Mr. Rochester? What is the significance of this?
  2. Rochester studies Jane’s paintings. What do you think about Jane’s painting and what does this incident indicate about the characters?
  3. Describe the appearance of Rochester. How does this compare or contrast with romantic heroes (think prince charming).

Chapters 14 – 15:

  1. Chapter 14 gives more insight to Rochester, his personality, and his battle of wits with Jane. What is revealed about his character? What is the outcome of their conversation?
  2. Why does Jane become more affectionate and tolerant of Adele, both literally and figuratively?
  3. We see that something is going on at Thornfield with Rochester’s demand that he “like it if he can”, the laughter, and the attempt on his life. What does this foreshadow?
  4. At the end of chapter 15, explain how the relationship between Jane and Rochester has changed.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Syllabus: 1/19 to 1/23


· No Class!


In class: MLK/ Inauguration: school wide lessons
Due tomorrow:
Finish Study Questions
Complete Vocabulary in Ch. 1- 4
Read chapters 5-7 in JE
Due Friday: Read/complete study guide ch 1- 10. Study for QUIZ!


Due: Study questions/vocab and chapter 5-7


Short Gothic Story assignment
Review Vocabulary: Hands on and acting!
Due tomorrow: Read/complete study guide ch 1- 10 and Study for Quiz


Due: Quiz
Due Monday:Read chapters 11-15/answer questions
Due Friday: Gothic Short Story: Rough Draft TYPED!!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Jane Eyre: Chapters 1 - 4 vocabulary

Hey Everyone,

Thank you for being patient about the vocabulary. Since i just could not get it copied, here is the list of words for which you will be responsible.

Use the context of the sentence to gather the meaning of the word in italics as they are used in the sentence. You must look up the words and gather a definition which you understand.

  1. Mr. Llyod, an apothecary, was called in when the servants were ailing
  2. Jane yelled out in a bellow of rage.
  3. A witness is being browbeaten under cross-examination by the defense.
  4. They lend money at usurious rates.
  5. The vehement ringing of the lunchroom bell frightened me.
  6. Since part of the plantation which was sequestered, the farmers were forced to move out of their homes.
  7. I abhor people who cheat. It is such a wrong thing to do.
  8. Mrs. Reed spoke to Jane peremptorily and demanded that she behave.
  9. I hope we can treat each other with civility and respect.
  10. Mrs. Reed sincerely looked at Jane with virulent passion.
  11. State officials were reprimanded for poor work ethic and high spending costs.
  12. His films and the critical opprobrium they have generated forced the director to cancel the production.
  13. The government had been able to thwart all attempts by opposition leaders to form new parties
  14. The pungent smell of frying onions makes me sick.
  15. We used to go to this little restaurants in our neighborhood gorge ourselves on great pizza.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Syllabus 1/15 - 1/19


Due: Lit. Book “My Friend Lucy…” and “Snow”
Pass out novels
In class: take notes on Charlotte Bronte and Setting/plot of Jane Eyre (JE)
Due Friday: Read chapters 1-4 in JE


In class: Review Gothic Literature
Due tomorrow:
Write a creative paragraph about ANYTHING you would like (cooking in the microwave, entering a fictious place, playing xbox, shooting a basket, etc) using the elements and vocabulary of Gothic Lit. Get creative and I am excited to read them!


Due: Gothic Lit. creative Paragraph
Review as a class. BE PREPARED TO SHARE
Due Tomorrow: BRING GRAMMAR BOOKS TO CLASS. If you are unprepared you will take a ZERO for class.


Due: Grammar Books
Complete assigned exercises
Due tomorrow: Finish Class work for HW and Read chapters 1-4 in JE


Due: Read chapters 1-4 in JE (be prepared for a POP Quiz)
Study Guide questions in class.
Due Monday: Finish Study Questions and Complete Vocabulary in Ch. 1- 4
Due Tuesday: Read chapters 5-7 in JE

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Term 2 Evaluation

DIRECTIONS: Please answer each question on a separate piece of paper (you can type or write). You should be insightful and honest in your responses. This will help you to perform better in the future and help Ms. Gentile create better assignments and help you to achieve the most you can. I will collect this tomorrow and when graded, please put in your handouts section.

Please answer each question below recalling and responding to the past six weeks of class. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers; they are based on your experience in class and will allow both of us to gather information: you will assess your own progress and effort as a student and make necessary changes so that you can maximize your time in class and I can evaluate my own teaching style and make changes to better support and enhance class time.

Answer each question with thought and honesty. This is a reflection and should include a sincere insight for your first term. Tell more than “what” and explain “why” and its significance.

1. Overall, which grade do you think you should earn in this class for term 1 and why? Don’t sell yourself short, but be honest!

2. What do you think you did well in the first term that you continued with for the duration of the second term? Why? How do you plan to utlize this for the third term?

3. How have your strengths been utilized? Recall specific instances which you felt your technique or attribute was helpful or necessary to your success.

4. What do you need to change in order to be successful in class for the next three terms? Why? What are you going to do and how are you going to do it?

5. What was your favorite or most positive lesson, discussion, comment, etc from this term? Why? How could it be even better?

6. What did you least enjoy and why? What could your teacher do in the future to make it more enjoyable?

7. What material or information did you need or want to be covered for your success in class? Please be specific so that your needs are better met in the future.