Thursday, October 30, 2008

Journal Follow-up

Think about today's class discussion on "race." As mentioned, we are going to be discussing some sensitive material, but also subject matter that is great for conversations.

Keep in mind that you are entitled to your opinion, as is everyone else. I ask that you be respectful with your comments, but still honest. Use good judgement with what you post and how you say it.

Don't forget to post your name, section and response in the comments section below.

In your response, consider the following questions; you can answer all of them or use them to guide your response. Also, you are encouraged to comment on someone's post.
  • What are your overall thoughts with today's discussion?
  • what was said that you agree/disagree with and why?
  • Now that you have had some time for the discussion to settle, what other comments can you add? What do you want to clarify from your comments today? What do you wish you said?
  • What wasn't said that you can add to enhance the topic at hand?
  • What do you think the biggest problems are concerning race? How do you suggest we solve these problems.
  • Respond to any one's post (agree/disagree).

I am excited to read your responses!

Class notes: Use these class notes taken from each class and they are separated by section. Use them to help you write your response.

Section B:
· Difference b/t skin color
· Anything that makes a person different
· Heritage/religion = race, ancestry
· Race vs. Ethnicity?
· Race = White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, African
· Made progress: Obama
· Race is “bigger picture” heading of essay, color, just surface
· Ethnicity: where you come from
· Racial color doesn’t define in most cases
· Race is basically skin color but there are different “calibers” or levels
· Base skin color to determine race
· White like “tissue” white, Black like “desk” black: closer to one color than others. It is used to categorized…we make it easier
· Does anyone fit nicely into one category?
· We only think in black and white = part of history/society, part of roots that is why we believe it.
· Stereotypes
· Discrimination gets people closer to “their own kind”
· Crime is related to race
· Why is it just black or white?

Section E:
· Category people put you in based color, location, and background
· Formed by people or unsure of other differnces
· Color of skin comapared to another person
· Not skin color: ancestry and where you come from
· Like a heritage
· Science classify human, in slavery had negative meaning
· Ethnic background
· Heritage vs race
· Ancestry
· “Not White”
· Not just about skin color – its about being different
· Compare white vs. black “biggest” controversy
· Modern: where you are from
· Race is what people see you as; not color, “yellow,” “red”
· White is not sock-white or tissue-white, black is not stapler-black
· Stereotypes: white red necks “hillbilly” asian = mathmetician, black = basketball “gangster”
· Mike jack = WHAT????
· White = peace, saint, innocent Black = evil, dark, Yellow = white,
· Asians are up to same standards, lower than whites but higher than black.


Anonymous said...

I liked the disscusion we had today. I think race is very imporatnt to know about in the society we are. The definition of race is hard to know. We all have different opinions on it. I think race is the color of your skin or the area you origiated from. Its fun to talk about these issues and topics since the whole class teaches each of us something. I hope we continue to do more of it.

Anonymous said...

Like Soroche said i dont think that there truely is a real definition for the term race because everyone has their own definition for it. However I think society uses race as an excuse to be able to discriminate people. Its easier for people to say " I don't like you because your black, or white or Asian etc." Its harder for people to truely say what they mean. You never hear anybody say i dont like you because you are american, you have blue eyes and you talk with a weird accent. People will just say i dont like you because you're whatever color you are. Its just easier that way and its also wrong that way. I guess race is just a bit of an excuse for people to judge somebody by the way that they look.

Anonymous said...

I strongly agree with what Leah said when she said that race is like an excuse people use. But I also agree with Soroche when he said that race is the color of your skin and I also think it's your appearance. I don't think that it would be your background because that would be your ethnicity and I think there is a difference between race and ethnicity. Even though I believe that race is the color of skin, I hate it when people always judge people by what color they are and I think that everyone in this world should be treated as equals no matter what. To judge someone, I think people have to know that person well before they say anything and not judge them on their appearance. I think that no matter what you are, black white, hispanic, asian, african, etc., should all be treated equal because there are many figures of those types of races that made a huge differnece in this world and that helped you out. So I would just think about what you say to others and befriend with others with different races, too. I really liked our discussion today and it taught me a lot, so I hope we have other things like that in the future.

Anonymous said...

I dont think that Asians are any higher than black poeple. I think that everyone is equally discriminated against. I dont think that there is an actual scale of people's rankings. Like what Rayjiene said (I'm sorry i spelt your name wrong [:) about how asians are not up to standards with the white people, but we're higher than black poeple, like where does this come from? Like according to what scale had said that, that is where we stand. Because towards a black person, white people could be the lowest on this "imaginary scale." So i dont think that you could be able to say what kind of ranking a race may have. To some races, this other race may be very low and yet to other races, they will be very high.

Anonymous said...

I think that people have certain speculations about each race. Sometimes we form ideas in our heads because of something one person belonging to a certain race did. I remember one time me and my best friend went in to a Burberry store at the mall. The store clerk who was caucasian kept lookin at us as if we shouldn't have been in the store. I think that race is just a way to classify human beings. Its basically like in biology how we have domains and other catergories below it. Race is like the domain that people are categorized into. As a society I think that we need to grow and learn not to be so stereotypical. We need to stop making assuptions of what people are like and who they are. You can't just assume who a person is or where they are from by their skin color. I hope that in the future we can be better at accepting each other for who you are.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts on todays discussion are that everyone had something interesting to say. I agree with the statement the race is a bigger topic and harder to describe than ethnicity. I think that rcae is more of an issue where there is a diverse group of people. A country that has no people other than its own this issue does not come up as often as it does in America. I wish I had said what I had just stated above. The biggest problem with race is that people cannot give a strong definition of it. I don't think that there will ever be a stop to this problem.
Another thing about race is that people judge you on what color skin you are even though that might not be all that you are. I think I am the perfect example of that because I have six different backrounds. Just because people see my skin they think I am just white but I am more than my skin color.

Anonymous said...

I think the disscusion today was great. We touched basis with a lot of different opinions. We scratched the top of a very big issue in todays society. Race has a lot to do with everything goes down. Not to offend anyone but i do think that if a black man were to be convicted wand had a jury of all white people race would affect the out come. Vice Versa if the man convicted was white.

Anonymous said...

I reqally like what we did today in class and individual oppinions, but in my opinion, race is just another way of people trying to groups ethinicity (sp?). Yet, in time, people use that as a tool to place where each people is on social scale. I don't even think the scale exist as much as the race, but is just how the world organize things. The sad part about race is that, eventually, people use is as an excuse to show superoirity upon other the race. In my eyes, every race should be treated the same and equal. There is really no race more superoir then other. Where you stand is depend how hard you work and how much you put out. Not because of your race.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Leah and Vanessa. I think that race isn't easy to define. Everyone defines it differently. I feel that race isn't just the color of your skin but also where you come from. I don't think that race completely defines who you are, though. People do use race as a way to define someone and they put people in catogories because of the color of their skin. Also they judge you by the color of your skin. Some people use it as an excuse. I think that no one should be judged by their race or the color of their skin.

Anonymous said...

Section E
I think race is something that people pay attention to everyday around the world. People like to judge you by your skin color and sometimes what they categorize you is not something that you actually are. Like for example, if you are Asian, you are always called a "mathematician" or "smarty pants" or nerd. People think that if you are Asian then you definately could get A easily and math would be as easy as ABCs. But thats not true. Everyone can be smart, not just Asians. I agree with Nancy when she said that "everyone is equally discriminated against." We are all just people. Race might seem to make us all different on the outside but it doesn't necessary mean we are all very different on the inside. You can be Asian with a kind heart, and you can also be African American or white with a kind heart. If people understand that race is not everything then there wouldn't be a lot of prejudice people. If there are not a lot of prejudice people, then probably people would be more comfortable in their own skin.

90'sjunkie said...

suzana cardodo
section e
today's disscussion was on a very deep topic. every one had something to say, but we couldn't quite put owr finger on the definition of race. race was and still is a huge issue in owr communities and we have a right to know about. someone in class mentioned that race is how a person would clasify another person if they didn't know anything about that person. for example when most people see me they assume i'm white when i am really 1/2 irish and 1/2 cape verdean, which makes me white and black. race isn't one of those topics you can talk about in one period because it's much bigger than that. however, i believe that when we are in school it shouldn't matter what race we are because like MLK and manby other have said everyone is created equal.

Anonymous said...

Today's topic was quite good. We were able to see different point of views from every one. We discussed what racism is, who it affect and how it affected each person in a different way. I agree with Leah in how people use others race as a way to degrade them when they really have nothing to be ashamed of. The things that have passed are different from today. We have made progress from what racism once was and we should push harder to eliminate those differences between each other.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Cassandra Saunders
Section E
I think that their are multiple ways to define "race".Its your ethnicity, background, culture, it's where your ancestors came from.I feel that people are very stereotypical concerning race and skin color.When people look at a sranger and atomatically they say your family lives like this, and they're from such and such. Just based on appearance alone, people don't really see you for who you are and judge you beforehand. I think race is just a way to categorize humans into groups based on a similar ethnic background.

Anonymous said...

Section B

Today’s discussion went well. It was interesting and it allowed people to speak their mind. I agree with Leah and Vanessa. Race is just an excuse people use. In a way, race is use as an excuse for dominating others.
Why do everyone assume that “White” is the highest or most respected? What makes skin color so powerful? Its just the exterior, it doesn’t prove anything. Skin color is dividing our society. You see people judging you because of your race. You are being categorize by your color. And you are automatically being stereotyped. Everyone should be treated equally and respectfully. There is more to a person than just their skin color. Your interior is the same as everyone else, but many people aren’t able to see that.

Anonymous said...


Race –noun

1. a group of persons related by common descent or heredity.
3. Anthropology.
a. any of the traditional divisions of humankind, the commonest being the Caucasian, Mongoloid, and Negro, characterized by supposedly distinctive and universal physical characteristics: no longer in technical use.
b. an arbitrary classification of modern humans, sometimes, esp. formerly, based on any or a combination of various physical characteristics, as skin color, facial form, or eye shape, and now frequently based on such genetic markers as blood groups.
c. a human population partially isolated reproductively from other populations, whose members share a greater degree of physical and genetic similarity with one another than with other humans.

Anonymous said...

Kevin Do
Section: E
Today's topic about race was very deep and interesting. I think race is actually a symbol of how special a group of people are, not how bad or good a race is (white=saint, black=evil). I agree with Suzana that people shouldn't assume that having traits of a race like for example, a white person doesn't mean that the person is definitely white. I think race is a way to assume and judge someone without asking a person what race people are in.

Anonymous said...

The dictionary entry I posted basicaly explains how we define race. People base race on what others look like, but the races itself is not clear. I couldnt find any entry that actually lists what the races are or what they are supposed to look like, just what people generally believe is a race or what a race looks like. For example, not all African Americans are "black", some can even look more white than black. And with more and more mixed "race" people being born, soon it would be hard to even distinguish what "race" a person is. So in my opinion, racial profiling is primative since in the future, it is possible that minorities wouldnt exist, and our decendants would all decend from multiple races. (sorry i felt bored so i wrote a lot. dont hurt me tomorow ppl :D)

Anonymous said...

I strongly believe that race is how one gets defined. I understand where each of the people above got the idea that race is the color one is because I totally agree with that. I feel like people discriminate a person just because of the color they are, and that is not right. Imagine yourself in that position? How would you feel if someone told you that they didn't like you just because of your skin color. You would obviously feel bad because they don't even know you and they are already coming to conclusions. In addition, people don't realize that we are all humans. Beneath our skin, we all have the same inside and people need to learn to understand this because our skin color is just like an accessory to a person; it is not a race.
Lastly, I also agree with Leah when she says that race is like an excuse because I do believe that people find it hard to tell people what their defects are so they would rather put them down by making fun of their skin color. In conclusion, race to me is really important because i don't like being discriminated because I'm a little dark. I wouldn't like to be made fun of because no one likes to be put down and I'm one of those people.

Anonymous said...

i forgot to put my section number. Section B =]

Alex Moran said...

Alex Moran
Section B

I enjoyed the disscusion we had today because it is nice to hear what every one has to say about a subject that we all tie in to. I agree with soroach when he said that the definition of race is hard to describe and that it has to do with the color of your skin and where you originated. To me race is not a factor i use in judgeing people, instead i judge on their personality and how they are on the inside. I agree with leah when she said that race is an excuse to judge someone because it honestly is in my opinion. However we have come a long way when it comes to segregation and descrimination. for example, not to long ago black people wernt allowed to associate with white people in ay way but now white people and black people can go to the same schools and everything.

Unknown said...

Today Discussion was very interesting. I heard all the different sides of what people think race is and i still believe that race isnt just about the color of the skin. I believe race can be broken down to cultural background, history,ethnicity, religion, even when your just being different and maybe more, but those are the major ones. Race is a category that society puts us in to label us (a stamp) as people for things they dont understand and from race is where sterotypes comes from. In our society race or racism is seem as on the negative side. I think society also use race as an excuse for what they dont understand, covering the truth behind what they really mean. I think race is portrayed to a be a "BAD" thing and thats where the word they formed the word racism. The word race has a total new meaning to our world today. i think race has been taken advantage of and has been turned into a bad thing in society. The word racism gives one power over the other group because racism makes one think that their better because of their "race".
From their Race is broken down into like the color of the skin and such. If you think about it does it really makes sense for any human being to say, " I dont like you beacause your a hindu or because your hispanic". I think thats not an excuse to not like someone or because you want to feel better than them.
I mean I think race isnt JUST BETWEEN to different groups. Their are some blacks who dont like each other just because one is very dark skinned and the other is light skinned......Well thats all I have to say right now I guess I'll save the rest for class tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Beshaunn Jno-Baptiste
Section E

When I reviewed our discussion today, I realized something. It was so difficult for us to define race. This sort of proves that race is an undefined thing. How am I black? Is it because I possess more melanin in the cells of my epidermis? How can someone be white? Are they automatically because the color of their skin is such a color? I dont think there is such thing as race because we are all human beings and the diversity of human beings is so unfathomable that no one can define them with their physical genetic features. Categorizing mankind is basically equivalent to treating them like animals. Are we of different species? People try to separate us into different geni that dont exist such as "Blacks", "Caucasians", and "Asians". Simply we are just humans. The farthest extent of classification for human beings are males and females. You're either male, or female. There shouldnt be anymore classifications after than. To me, race is something that doesnt define me because i belong to almost every ethinicity and "race" known to mankind. I am a male human being and that is about it. Im not black, or white, or asian, or latino, or arabic, or mulatto or anything else. Im just a man.

Zolotros said...

Alex DeWolf
Section E
Today's discussion on the topic of race was one of great interest. We encounter people of different races every day, both in school and out. Even though we as students don't face problems based on race often (please comment if you think otherwise), one can wonder what the defining limits of race even are. I read in book about human interaction that there are four main races. Strangely, Hispanic was not one of them. The races were Caucasian, Mongolian, African and Pacific Islander. These look like some of the options you see under the "Race" category you have to answer when you are filling out a form like a job application, right? That means that even people in authority must judge you by your race in some way. Strange food for thought. Another thing I want to add is that when I was younger, about 8 or so, people said my skin color was literally the shade of a piece of white printer paper, because I was really really pale back then (I still am kinda pale now). I hated it because I knew that nobody can have a skin that pale, not even an albino person! Likewise, even the darkest-skinned people can never achieve the pitch-black color of Ms. Gentile's stapler (an example from class). I hope that my generation, and generations yet to come, will realize this and take it for granted.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Beshaunn,it was hard for us to define race because we all had so many different opinions. I think race is not something you can classify through anything that everybody does. Some people refer to Black, White, etc. while some people discriminate, say, the British. You've heard how people hate the British and call them tea-suckers. Is this racism as well? They are white and Americans discriminate them? Is it not considered racism since they're white and discriminating against another white? I think race is ethnicity or ancestry because all these things happen where, the same people discriminate somebody of the same "Color." But these are all human opinions, color, race, ethnicity, according to science, we are all ONE race, not as many as we classify. White, Black, Yellow or English, African, Asian it's up to you, but to the scientists of the world, we are one race, and that is the human race.

Anonymous said...

Courtney Bourque
Section E

I really enjoyed our discussion today in class because it made me see how some people react to different races. I would like to comment about what nancy posted just to say I agree 100% with her. Asians are not higher than blacks nor are Caucasins. People judge other people way to hard on the way they look when they should really get to know the inner person. For example like those sterotypes used saying asians are smart,or white people are rich truthfully its not because of there race there like that because they worked hard to be smart or rich. I think that race was a very good dicussion to have and I hope there are more coming up

Anonymous said...

I really liked the disscussion we had in class because you can see other peoples perspective on race. I think that race is just an excuse to classify people becausee theya re better than you or worse than you in a particular thing. Like in class how we said black=basketball star. My definition on race is how peole classify you. I also hate when people judge you on youre skin color.

Anonymous said...

Today's discussion was alright, but it only scratched the surface of a subject of controversy for ever. I personally define race as a word/classification used to define and separate people based on Heritage, and then other things that are not at all important (color of skin, accents). With race along comes a bunch of other Labels which are stereotypes. Sometimes its used as an excuse to do things, sometimes as an excuse to be incapable.
Something a friend of mine , Taylor (not from our school) pointed out to me was the distractions race really can cause. When he mentioned this to me , I though about this presidential election. The real distraction about this is we may actually have a black president for the first time in history. Then i thought about how many people actually know the views of each candidate. these were just a few ideas that came to my mind while thinking about this subject.

Anonymous said...

My overall thought in today’s class discussion I believe the most important thing said today by one of my fellow classmates is race is just a word to categorize people. I agree with what was said but a statement that was said such as “Discrimination gets people closer to “their own kind” I strongly disagree with it because you may have a Caucasian who despises Caucasians and you can have an African-American who despises African-Americans so it doesn’t get people closer to their own race. I believe this statement is a social blindness in society yet this is the majority of people’s opinions in our society.
This may sound very stereotypical because of what I stated but when I say our society im pertaining to the African-American society because race is classified when you living in the real world race determines crimes in the African-American society because once your African-American your usually blamed for a crime because of that’s what’s thought of my race. We are called black because it means ugly, trash, and hate in the dictionary. So when I think of race I think it means an unjustified classification of a human being. If nobody knew nothing about the African-American society so there would be no hatred because no one would be educated about the past. So in present day it would be like a utopia. Since where cauntiously aware of the past racist staments would be pasted due to signs of mistreatments. Last but not least i enjoyes the class discussion we had today and im lookinf forward to more great topics in the near future!!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to put my section

Anonymous said...

To get started, I say race primarily about the color of skin someone has. The thing that varies is everyone's own "classification" of it. For example, someone that is pink/slightly tan is considered "white" while those that are several shades darker are "black" but people can say "hispanic". But in the subject of race also comes discrimination. On my way out the door I meant to say that it is human nature to enjoy the presence of someone the same as you so discrimination is a way for a person to feel closer to another person. Discrimination is something that people that have a commonality can understand and share as a whole which brings up the subject of hate. I believe hate groups are completely useless because they bring no real benefit to the world. Since when did serious supremacy really help people unite? Even though Adolf Hitler was a great speaker and his speeches were very well written, his messages were about hate against those who are not aryan (blond hair and blue eyes)

I personally enjoyed today's topic because many people in section B had a great point and nice perspectives on the definition of the term race and many points I felt were accurate but many were getting into more of a ethnicity range.

Unknown said...

Mikerlyne Castor
Section: E

The discussion today in class was very interesting to listen to and comment on, because race is a big issue in society. I agree with Stephanie she says that race isn't just about skin color, because it has alot to do with a person's ethnicity, culture, and religion.
People say that black people always seem to be the most discriminated, but I don't believe that that is true, because us black people discriminate alot of other races too. Nobody in this situation is innocent, we are all guilty of at least one charge.

Unknown said...

My opinion on race comes from the base of were everything started. Slavery set in to the world slots were people people of color are suppose be in society. If people or anyone never ran into each other but were together the entire time than we would have to deal with the issue of people's actions. If we were never on different levels as people from the start then life today would be what it is now.

sarah yellamaty said...

I think our discussion in class today was extremley successful. Everyone's ideas were very literal and true, and also very well thought out. I believe that one thing that hadn't been metioned was what different race and "racism" leads us to feel. In my opinion, i think that race leads us to become very judgmental towards others. Just becuase we look a certain way, or talk, or dress, we are automatically judged and categorized. Going back to what Timmy said earlier in class, race causes stereotypes. We are all different, and should be accepted. I believe that based on our skin color, or income or whatever the issue may be, that we get placed as poor , or rich, or lowlife. I think this is very wrong, especially since we are trying to live in a community where we are all expected with our differences. I would much like to continue this topic and expand our ideas.

Anonymous said...

Ying Ying Kuang
Section B
I agree that there isn't an arcurate definition to define race. What the definition is is depending on how the person wants to define it. The definition of race can be different base on a person's background and their personal experiences. Race still have a huge impact on today's society. People discriminate against each others base in race. People categorize others base on race and skin color. However, some people never think about the huge impact of race discrimination can make. Race discrimination can hurt others mentally and physically. I agree with Quyen that race is an excuse. But it is never accptable to discriminate others base on race, it's not only going to hurt others but also hurting. Because when you discriminate someone, another person is going to discriminate you too, because in today's society, we all come from different places and there are different races in the society.

Anonymous said...

section B

unlike what most of my classmates have stated. i dont think that race is used as an excuse for people. Some people may use it as an excuse but to me it is more of like an obstacle or a wall that u have to go over. for example if your black and u say o i didnt get this job because the boss was white and he was racist.your using it as an excuse and you yourself are going under the stereotype. that just means that you have to work hard to get what you want. dont try to blame the stereotypes for your problems.Try to break it.If your black or hispanic or asain, and you know that their are a million stereotypes running against you then try to break them.Dont blame them for your problems.People use race as an excuse yeah thats true but it isnt an excuse.
I think race is just a hype. Its just their to get you riled up.If you dont think your equal to another race then you try to make yourself look or act better. So race is just something to keep you on point and try to better yourself to break those stereotypes to prove them wrong.ultimately race is thrown around so that it can intimidate you but at the same time help you break what other people have in mind for your abilities.Race itself is an obstacle that everyone in their own way has to overcome.Dont hide behind your race.Crash through it.

Anonymous said...

i really enjoyed our discussion in class today, i think it was really successful and got us thinking. I agree with what Sarah said, that race is a word that can cause stereotypes or is just a word to put us in a category. i think race is a word that is sometimes used in a wrong way. As a lot of people mentioned it is used to put us in a category that we don't necessarily belong in. How can you judge someone based on their skin color? You really can't because you have no idea who there ancestors are or where they came from. Going back to what Courtney and Timmy said in class, why are people considered white, when they aren't "Tissue white" or black when they're not "Stapler black". Why do people automatically assume something based on the color of someones skin? I think race has many definitions, but to me it means where you came from, or what your ethnicity is. Some people use it for racism and discrimination, which is not right at all.

Anonymous said...

i forgot my section ... section E =]

Anonymous said...

The last comment at the end of class made by i think it was Beshawn was way off. The comment made was that Asians are "higher up in the race foodchain" than blacks and i think that that is wrong. I feel that the asian community is just starting their own racism movement( sad to say). I think that their should be no "chain" and yet their is. I feel that the black community has had their time of suppression( also very sad to say) and the asians have not really had that yet here but i feel by what i see every day that it is happening and the asian community more than the blackis being suppressed. I think the world needs to grow up and get over racism and start looking at people because of their abilities and not their skin. I hope we can have more of these discusions because they bring out the best in everyone and send new ideas into our heads.

Section E

Anonymous said...

I was reading and saw courtney's comment and I am not saying that the asains are differnet than the blacks but I feel that they are now just starting to be suppressed more than blacks.

And I spelt Beshaunn wrong so that is it.

Suey Chen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Section E Xiuyi Chen
Today's discussion in class had once again remind me the serious problem in the society-race. Since I born, I had realize that people always prejudice each other by the color of skin, at this point I have several question:Will the colors of skin affect a person's personality? Will a person borned as an evil or as a angel without any impact in their lifes? Will you know everything since you born and you don't need to pay your effort? I am very sure to say that the possibility of those questions is zero, no chance. It is miserable that out ancestors had created such history and catagorize only one kind of human into so many groups. I am sure that every one here has ever hurt by race and been prejudice by race. Once again it confirms that race has so many effects on people. Why not everyone ever try to understand each other by reading the words in people's hearts? There are always answers in your heart, just try it. It is enough that everyone was hurt by race. Just to remember one thing: we are just human.

Anonymous said...

Section B
From what Marisa said about race not defining who you are is what I mostly agree on. People act unique, and some may act different as they grow up. The term black and white may be a strong word and people are sometimes offended. Caucasian and African American isn’t used in everyday conversations and someone involved in the conversation might not feel comfortable with other words describing Caucasians and African Americans. Some kids today might joke around with race and they might not know that someone’s being hurt by these rude remarks.

Anonymous said...

Zorah Walker
Section E

Well, I think race is mostly dealing with ancestry. Back when caucasians were abusing african americans, it didn't exactly matter what skin color u had, it mattered what group you were associated with. The group you were in, for life, depended on who your parents, or grandparents, or great, great grandparents were. If even just one of your parents were african american, then that was the group you were in, and you were treated like your people. Today, if you have a darker skin tone, you're automatically "black, and if you have a lighter skin tone, you're categorized as "white." This kind of judgement is exactly what everyone hates being judged by, and yet, everyone still judges. Personally, racism is just not cool at all, because I wouldn't like to get judged by my skin color, so why should I do it to anyone else.

All-Bertrand Pierre said...


Durring today's lesson about "race" a lot of intresting facts were told. I strongly agreed with the responses of quyen, vanessa, and leah because society uses the races of people as an excuse to say and belive what they want to belive. People find it easier to insult or complement someone and say it was they were white, black, asian, or hispanic, because people don't want to take the time to say what they really mean. Like people believe blacks are good at basketball, but I am black and I am not that good at basketball. I play it for fun. People also believe that asian people can't drive because there eyes look squinted, but there are many asian people who do know how to drive. So people in society use race as an acuse to hide what they are really feeling.

Anonymous said...

Responding to Timothy's latest comment;

what do you mean by. . ."the asian community is just starting their own racism movement" ?
Either you're trying to say that Asians are starting to be racist, or people are beginning to be more racist towards Asians.

If you meant #1, then I STRONGLY DISAGREE because it doesn't make sense at alllll

Anonymous said...

Section B
My thoughts on the discussion today in class is that racism plays a big role in todays society. The life that a person lives usually depends on where they live and the color of their skin. I agreed with the stereotypes subject or topic in class because that definetely goes along with racism. The problem with society today is that everyone has their own opinion but some people just doesnt't know when the line stops from going overboard for example into racism. For example if you see a group of 4 or 5 black or hispanic males walking down the street with skully hats on and a pointed hood you possibly would assume that either they're up to know good or they're set out to harm some on. However if you see the same number of people but they were asian or white males you assume either they they have just came from hanging out at the park or just finished doing something positive. I never understood that until I had a real life experience with racism and understood that not every White male is positive and does good things but they have the smae number of gangs, thugs, and thieves just like any other race. Also not every race tries to help each other out and sticks side by side i noticed, a perfect example is the conflicts between diferent communities around Boston mostly of the Afrian American race.
Thank you for the oppourtunity to let me share my thoughts with you and the class.

Anonymous said...

Well like most of the students said, i don't think race has ONE actual definition. It can vary from your skin color or depending where you come from on the globe. The discussion we had today was fun and i liked it a lot because there's a lot to be said about race since there's so much commotion that follows it.
Going back to earlier in class, I agreed when a student commented on how people use skin color/tone to determine a race and how race is basically just used to move people around into one big group. I also agreed on the whole stereotype thing and how people make them and use the actions of just ONE person to either support or put down a certain race.(As Dheandra mentioned.)
I, personally, don't pay that much mind to race because i think it's just a label that's used to move people into a certain spot in society. I also think that race shouldn't matter at all anyways because we're all humans and were all brought into this world the same way, so we should act like it. *Instead of trying to segregate each other and try to find a dominant "race".

chay said...

i agreed that race is based on your color and heritage. i think race is needed for any society because there are many ways we can help each other. we are coming from different place and raise in different way too. we also have different professions or ability to do something that is good for our society. some raise to be something and some other raise to be something else. for example America refer to mosiac, not melting pot. even though we come from different society, but we can still form an amazing society. it's like we are pieces of puzzle that come together to form many amazing things.

chay said...

i agree with soroche

Anonymous said...

Section B

Today's class discussion was very interesting,since we're able to hear about the diverse perspectives and opinions concerning "race".The thing that had constantly mentioned was that the color of your skin categorized the race you're in.Sure, that could be one.I mean could race also include your culture, heritage, and the other roots that you're related to?If the color of your skin equals to race,how about one's character? Where do that fit into? "Race" is the way we,people came up to define and isolate the ones who are different.We, people fear changes. We fear differences.So we must come up with ridicules excuses to be with ones that are the "same" and abandon the ones that are different.In today's society,most people are with "their own kind." Why? Because we still can't accept each others' "race"? Or is it? In our class the topic:"Crime is related to race". So does it mean a certain race commit more crimes than others? Well, I thought all "race" do all kind of crimes. I think perhaps because of the small community that we lived in. We atomically make assumptions regrading about a certain "race" base on an individual's action(s).And once our mind is set that way, we tend to think it as a math equation, it applies to all! NO! It does not! For example a lot of people have the assumption that Asians are good at math. Sure, maybe some. But really, not all of us are good at math,in fact I did kind of bad last term. ={ Anyways,the issues "race" can't be define base on anyone's opinion. I believed that everyone has their own thoughts about it depending on what they were brought up to believe and where they resides. That actually have a huge impact on someone's....ok, I think I am done.

kyle wood said...

Today's class discussion raised many good points on the subject of race and what it is. everyone had their own opinion a displayed it well. nothing was said hurtfully of with any harm intended.
race is a very touchy subject and there is no real definition for it so what is it? why if there is no real definiton to can we clasify our selvels into sections of society. not only do we classify oursleves into sections but other people do aswell based on the color of our skin and the way we act or dress. and it is really tiring to hear people complain about racial descrimation ad the way they are treated because more often than not they bring it on themselves. when you live in a bad neighborhood and your always complaing about it and all you hear is your parents doing the same why do you continue to put your self through it and keep on living where you do get up and do something for your self and make a name for yourself. your skin color doesnt define you its what you make of yourself and how you make people veiw you.

marquis said...

hey every1

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